Lucifer · Episode 3x6 'Vegas with Some Radish'

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When Lucifer discovers Candy has gone missing, he hightails it to Las Vegas with Ella in tow. They work to find her, but interesting secrets could compromise the investigation. Meanwhile, Chloe is upset that Lucifer left on her birthday.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Bluff oder Lüge

Lucifers ehemalige vorgetäuschte Ehefrau Candy wird vermisst, und Lucifer eilt nach Las Vegas, um sie zu finden – mit Ella im Schlepptau.

France French (Français)

Escapade à Las Vegas

Lucifer et Ella se rendent à Las Vegas pour enquêter sur la disparition d'une vieille amie. Pendant ce temps, Chloe et Linda se détendent entre filles.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

A Las Vegas con un'ansiosa

Lucifer ed Ella si dirigono a Las Vegas per indagare sulla scomparsa di una cara amica. Nel frattempo, Chloe e Linda si rilassano a casa.

First Aired
TMDb 83% · 35 (more information on website)
IMDb 86% · 4,855 (more information on website)


Lucifer MorningstarTom Ellis
Chloe DeckerLauren German
Dan EspinozaKevin Alejandro
AmenadielD.B. Woodside
Mazikeen "Maze"Lesley-Ann Brandt
Ella LopezAimee Garcia
Marcus PierceTom Welling
Linda MartinRachael Harris
Trixie EspinozaScarlett Estevez
Charlotte RichardsTricia Helfer

Guest Stars

Candy MorningstarLindsey Gort
Roxie PaglianiLauren Holly
JuddAndy Milder
Det. Jay WongJack Yang
Hot CopJaime M. Callica
Thug #1Leo Chiang
DealerNaiah Cummins
Crab CrackerSam Juergens
Dealer #2Maurice Mulligan
Uni CopTodd Simmons
Louie PaglianiTony Cipriano


DirectingDirectorKaren Gaviola