Star Trek: Discovery · Episode 1x14 'The War Without, The War Within'
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Burnham and the U.S.S. Discovery crew are faced with the harsh reality of the war during their absence. In order to move forward, Starfleet must use unconventional tactics and sources to take their next action against the Klingons.
German (Deutsch)
Während der Abwesenheit von Burnham und der Crew der U.S.S. Discovery ist die Sternenflotte mit der harten Realität des Krieges konfrontiert. Um voranzukommen, muss sie unkonventionelle Taktiken und Quellen einsetzen, um ihre nächste Aktion gegen die Klingonen zu starten.
French (Français)
L'équipage du Discovery apprend que la Fédération est en train de perdre la guerre contre les Klingons. Une stratégie de la dernière chance doit être élaborée.
Italian (Italiano)
Burnham e la U.S.S. L'equipaggio della Discovery deve affrontare la dura realtà della guerra durante la loro assenza. Per andare avanti, la Flotta Stellare deve utilizzare tattiche e fonti non convenzionali per intraprendere la prossima azione contro i Klingon.
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 76% · 53 (more information on website)
- IMDb 75% · 4,094 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Michael Burnham | Sonequa Martin-Green |
Saru | Doug Jones |
Sylvia Tilly | Mary Wiseman |
Paul Stamets | Anthony Rapp |
Gabriel Lorca | Jason Isaacs |
Ash Tyler | Shazad Latif |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
Sarek | James Frain |
Transporter Technician | Michael Ayres |
L'Rell | Mary Chieffo |
Admiral Katrina Cornwell | Jayne Brook |
Keyla Detmer | Emily Coutts |
Dr. Pollard | Raven Dauda |
Emperor Philippa Georgiou | Michelle Yeoh |
Department | Job | Person |
Directing | Director | David Solomon |