Star Trek: Discovery · Episode 2x10 'The Red Angel'

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Burnham is stunned when she learns her ties to Section 31 run deeper than she ever fathomed. Armed with the identity of the Red Angel, the U.S.S. Discovery goes to work on its most critical mission to date.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Der rote Engel

Nach einer verblüffenden Enthüllung über die Herkunft des roten Engels schmiedet die Crew der Discovery einen Plan zu dessen Ergreifung – zum Risiko für Michaels Leben.

France French (Français)

L'Ange rouge

Après une révélation déconcertante concernant l'origine de l'Ange rouge, l'équipage du Discovery élabore un plan pour le capturer... en risquant la vie de Michael.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

L'Angelo Rosso

Dopo una sconcertante rivelazione sulle origini dell'Angelo Rosso, l'equipaggio della Discovery escogita un piano per catturare l'entità, rischiando la vita di Michael.

First Aired
TMDb 72% · 40 (more information on website)
IMDb 72% · 3,748 (more information on website)


Michael BurnhamSonequa Martin-Green
SaruDoug Jones
Sylvia TillyMary Wiseman
Paul StametsAnthony Rapp
Christopher PikeAnson Mount
Dr. Hugh CulberWilson Cruz
Ash TylerShazad Latif

Guest Stars

Admiral Katrina CornwellJayne Brook
LelandAlan van Sprang
SpockEthan Peck
Cmdr. NhanRachael Ancheril
Lt. Cmdr. AiriamHannah Cheesman
Lt./Lt. Cmdr. R.A. BryceRonnie Rowe
Joann OwosekunOyin Oladejo
RhysPatrick Kwok-Choon
Keyla DetmerEmily Coutts
Lt. NilssonSara Mitich
Emperor Philippa GeorgiouMichelle Yeoh
Dr. Gabrielle BurnhamSonja Sohn
Control Computer (voice)Jason Anthony


DirectingDirectorHanelle M. Culpepper