Star Trek: Discovery · Episode 3x5 'Die Trying'

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After reuniting with what remains of Starfleet and the Federation, the U.S.S. Discovery and its crew must prove that a 930 year old crew and starship are exactly what this new future needs.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Die Bewährungsprobe

Die Discovery stößt auf die Überreste der Sternenflotte und deren Commander – Admiral Vance. Seinen Bedenken zum Trotz betraut er die Crew mit einer neuen Mission.

France French (Français)

Mourir en essayant

Le Discovery trouve les restes de la Starfleet sous la garde du prudent amiral Vance. Malgré ses doutes, ce dernier assigne sa première mission à l'équipage.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Provarci fino alla morte

La Discovery trova i resti della Flotta Stellare e il suo cauto comandante, l'ammiraglio Vance, che nonostante i dubbi assegna all'equipaggio la sua prima missione.

First Aired
TMDb 75% · 33 (more information on website)
IMDb 73% · 3,625 (more information on website)


Michael BurnhamSonequa Martin-Green
SaruDoug Jones
Sylvia TillyMary Wiseman
Paul StametsAnthony Rapp
Dr. Hugh CulberWilson Cruz
Cleveland 'Book' BookerDavid Ajala

Guest Stars

Adira TalBlu del Barrio
Cmdr. Jett RenoTig Notaro
Dr. AttisJake Epstein
MomAna Sani
Daughter #1Ava MacKinnon
Daughter #2Shazdeh Kapadia
Holo Security Officer #1R.J. Parrish
Holo Security Officer #2Vanessa Burns
Holo Officer #1Chris Zamat
Holo Officer #2Jajube Mandiela
Holo Officer #3Daniel Woodrow
Tactical OfficerShannon Lahaie
Starfleet EnsignRosie Simon
Cmdr. NhanRachael Ancheril
Eli the E.M.H.Brendan Beiser
Lt./Lt. Cmdr. R.A. BryceRonnie Rowe
Joann OwosekunOyin Oladejo
RhysPatrick Kwok-Choon
Keyla DetmerEmily Coutts
Lt. NilssonSara Mitich
Emperor Philippa GeorgiouMichelle Yeoh
Lt. Audrey WillaVanessa Jackson
Fleet Admiral Charles VanceOded Fehr
Dr. KovichDavid Cronenberg


ArtStoryboard ArtistRob McCallum
CameraCamera OperatorFrançois Daignault
Director of PhotographyCrescenzo G.P. Notarile
DirectingDirectorMaja Vrvilo
First Assistant DirectorFelix Gray
Script SupervisorLisa Burling
Second Assistant DirectorKevin Hourigan
Third Assistant DirectorKieffer Moxness
Ross Vivian
EditingEditorScott Gamzon
LightingGafferHeinz Gloss
ProductionProduction ManagerB.E. Sharp
David Till