Lie to Me · Episode 1x13 'Sacrifice'

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After a terrorist bombing outside of Washington, DC, FBI Agent Ben Reynolds calls on The Lightman Group to help identify those responsible and prevent more attacks. The case takes a personal turn for one member of the team and begs the question of whether honesty is indeed the best policy. Zoe helps Lightman with the investigation and both are concerned about their daughter's safety.

Germany German (Deutsch)


In Washington explodiert eine Bombe in einem Linienbus. Kurze Zeit später bekennt sich die Terrorgruppe Al Quaida zu den Anschlägen und kündigt weitere Attentate an. Dr. Cal Lightman hatte bei seinem letzten Fall eine Vereinbarung mit dem FBI getroffen.

France French (Français)

Ennemis intérieurs

Le FBI dépêche l'agence Ligthman pour le seconder dans une enquête sur des attentats terroristes commis à Washington. Après avoir découvert que les poseurs de bombes, des lycéens, étaient innocents, l'équipe de Cal étend ses recherches à l'entourage des victimes.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Sotto assedio

Il Bureau chiede aiuto al gruppo Lightman dopo un attacco terroristico che colpisce una località poco fuori Washington, D.C.. Intanto Zoe e Cal sono preoccupati per la sicurezza della loro figlia.

First Aired
TMDb 72% · 13 (more information on website)
IMDb 80% · 983 (more information on website)


Cal LightmanTim Roth
Gillian FosterKelli Williams
Ria TorresMonica Raymund
Eli LokerBrendan Hines

Guest Stars

Emily LightmanHayley McFarland
Ben ReynoldsMekhi Phifer
Zoe LandauJennifer Beals
Deputy Director MesslerMolly Price
Imam Amir HadadBernard White
BitcherJonathan Banks
Omar KahnAnthony Azizi
Sharif Hamza AliDon Wallace
Hasina KahnAnne Bedian
Karl DupreeSean Patrick Thomas


DirectingDirectorAdam Davidson
ProductionCo-Executive ProducerAdam Davidson
Dustin Thomason
Consulting ProducerElizabeth Craft
Sarah Fain
Tom Szentgyorgyi
Executive ProducerSteven Maeda
Supervising ProducerJosh Singer