Star Trek: Picard · Episode 2x8 'Mercy'

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With time running out before the launch of the Europa Mission, Picard and Guinan must free themselves from FBI custody. Seven and Raffi come face-to-face with Jurati and the horror of what she's become.

Germany German (Deutsch)


Da die Zeit bis zum Start der Europa-Mission knapp wird, müssen sich Picard und Guinan aus dem Gewahrsam des FBI befreien. Seven und Raffi finden Jurati und sind entsetzte, was aus ihr geworden ist.

France French (Français)


Le lancement de la Mission Europe approche. Picard et Guinan, emprisonnés par le FBI, tentent de se libérer. Seven et Raffi retrouvent Jurati et découvrent l'abomination qu'elle est devenue.

Italy Italian (Italiano)


Il tempo prima del lancio della Missione Europa sta per scadere e Picard e Guinan devono liberarsi dalla custodia dell’FBI. Sette e Raffi si ritrovano faccia a faccia con la Jurati e l’orrore di ciò che è diventata.

First Aired
TMDb 65% · 29 (more information on website)
IMDb 62% · 3,211 (more information on website)


Jean-Luc PicardPatrick Stewart
Dr. Agnes JuratiAlison Pill
Seven of Nine / Annika HansenJeri Ryan
Raffi MusikerMichelle Hurd
ElnorEvan Evagora
Cristóbal 'Chris' RiosSantiago Cabrera
Dr. Adam SoongBrent Spiner

Guest Stars

GuinanIto Aghayere
Agent WellsJay Karnes
FBI AgentNanrisa Lee
Merc OneCharles Maceo
Vulcan #1Eduardo Roman
Dr. Teresa RamirezSol Rodríguez
Vulcan #2Chuti Tiu
La Sirena Computer (voice)Kay Bess
BartenderOscar Torre
Red Bearded GuyCyrus Zoghi
QJohn de Lancie
RicardoSteve Gutierrez
Young WellsJackson Garner
Kore SoongIsa Briones


ArtConcept ArtistJames Chung
DirectingDirectorJoe Menendez