Movie 'Paul Blart: Mall Cop'
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Safety Never Takes A Holiday.
Mild-mannered Paul Blart has always had huge dreams of becoming a State Trooper. Until then, he patrols the local mall as a security guard. With his closely cropped moustache, personal transporter and gung-ho attitude, only Blart seems to take his job seriously. All that changes when a team of thugs raids the mall and takes hostages. Untrained, unarmed and a super-size target, Blart has to become a real cop to save the day.
German (Deutsch)
Das Leben von Paul Blart bietet recht wenig Spaß. Er hat keine Frau, nur seine Tochter Maya ist ihm ein Lichtblick. Seinen Lebensunterhalt verdient er als Wachmann in einem Einkaufszentrum - wo er sich in die hübsche Verkäuferin Amy verguckt. Seine Annäherungsversuche sind unbeholfen, aber immerhin nicht komplett wirkungslos. Als sein neuer Kollege Veck Sims sich als Kopf einer Einbrechertruppe entpuppt, die in der Mall Geiseln nimmt, scheint Pauls große Stunde zu schlagen: Der schusselige Wächter wurde von den Gaunern übersehen und versucht nun auf eigene Faust, die Bösewichte aus dem Verkehr zu ziehen. Auch Amy und Maya sind gefangen ...
French (Français)
Doux et réfléchi, un agent de sécurité passe à l'action lorsque le supermarché dans lequel il travaille est la proie d'une bande de cambrioleurs très bien organisée. Il sera accompagné d'une vendeuse d'extensions de cheveux.
Italian (Italiano)
Paul Blart lavora come agente della sicurezza in un supermercato, ma il suo sogno è stato da sempre quello di diventare un poliziotto. Bocciato all'esame fisico per via del suo sovrappeso, l'uomo si è ormai rassegnato a una vita tra gli scaffali dell'emporio. Quando però questo viene assaltato da una banda di feroci criminali che prende clienti e personale come ostaggi, Blart diventa l'unico in grado di risolvere la situazione, facendo da tramite proprio con la polizia.
Part of Mall Cop Collection
Collection of the Mall Cop movies.
Paul Blart: Mall Cop owned
- Release Date:
- Rating: 54% · 2,540
Mild-mannered Paul Blart has always had huge dreams of becoming a State Trooper. Until then, he patrols the local mall as a security guard. With his closely cropped moustache, personal transporter and gung-ho attitude, only Blart seems to take his job seriously. All that changes when a team of thugs raids the mall and takes hostages. Untrained, unarmed and a super-size target, Blart has to become a real cop to save the day.
Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 owned
- Release Date:
- Rating: 52% · 1,578
Security guard Paul Blart is headed to Las Vegas to attend a Security Guard Expo with his teenage daughter Maya before she departs for college. While at the convention, he inadvertently discovers a heist - and it's up to Blart to apprehend the criminals.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- duringcreditsstinger
- security guard
- Genres
- Action
- Adventure
- Comedy
- Family
- Languages
- English
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
United States of America
- Production Companies
Hey Eddie
Columbia Pictures
Relativity Media
Sony Pictures
Happy Madison Productions
- Release Dates
Theatrical PG
Theatrical G
Theatrical PG
Theatrical PG
Theatrical 6
Digital 6
Digital 6
Theatrical U
- Ratings
- TMDb 54% · 2,540 (more information on website)
- IMDb 53% · 119,810 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 34% (more information on website)
- metacritic 39% (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Paul Blart | Kevin James |
Veck Sims | Keir O'Donnell |
Amy | Jayma Mays |
Maya Blart | Raini Rodriguez |
Mom | Shirley Knight |
Stuart | Stephen Rannazzisi |
Chief Brooks | Peter Gerety |
Cmdr. James Kent | Bobby Cannavale |
Sergeant Howard | Adam Ferrara |
Leon | Jamal Mixon |
Pahud | Adhir Kalyan |
Vijay | Erick Avari |
Karaoke Singer | Gary Valentine |
Jerky Security Guy | Allen Covert |
Rudolph | Mike Vallely |
Blitzen | Mike Escamilla |
Prancer | Jason Ellis |
Comet | Jason Packham |
Cupid | Rick Thorne |
Donner | Victor T. Lopez |
Vixen | Natascha Hopkins |
Victoria's Secret Sales Associate | Jackie Sandler |
Mr. Ferguson | Mookie Barker |
Officer | Jackie Flynn |
Bank Manager | Richie Minervini |
Bank Teller | Brie Hill Arbaugh |
Old Man on Scooter | Bernie McInerney |
Shopper with Kids | Steffiana De La Cruz |
Jacob | Dylan Clark Marshall |
SWAT Tech | Tyler Spindel |
Drill Instructor | Bas Rutten |
Shopper | Teresa Zantua |
Mother | Dahlia Salem |
Victoria's Secret Customer | Zele Avradopoulos |
Victoria's Secret Customer | Maria Arcé |
SWAT Officer | Robert Harvey |
Joe's Patron | Billy Concha |
Joe's Patron | Michael Burton |
Father Carl | Carl Randall |
Joe's Waitress | Carla Antonino |
Ruby the Waitress | Ruby Wendell |
Girl at Mall (uncredited) | Lindsay MacDonald |
Mall Patron (uncredited) | Donna Glee Reim |
Mall Shopper (uncredited) | Dale F. Appel |
Mall Cop (uncredited) | Joel Arsenault |
Shopper (uncredited) | Stephanie Atkinson |
Girl in Mall Throwing Play Balls (uncredited) | Amber Baldinelli |
Shopper (uncredited) | William Bornkessel |
Joe (uncredited) | Mike Burton |
Wedding Guest (uncredited) | Katelyn Cahill |
New Jersey Police Academy Trainee (uncredited) | Patrick Canty |
Mall Shopper (uncredited) | Gio Castellano |
Security Guard (uncredited) | Jeffrey Corazzini |
Mall Shopper (uncredited) | D.W. Cormier |
Mall Shopper (uncredited) | Benjamin Crocker |
Kid in Ball Pit (uncredited) | Nicholas Davis |
Shopper (uncredited) | Kevin DeCoste |
Shopper (uncredited) | Michael DeMello |
Mall Shopper (uncredited) | Hannah Depew |
Mall Shopper (uncredited) | Vincent J. Earnshaw |
Amy's Friend at Joe's (uncredited) | Suzanne England |
Upscale Shopper (uncredited) | Susan Farese |
New Jersey State Trooper (uncredited) | Keith Fluker |
Mall Shopper (uncredited) | Andy Forgit |
Mall Shopper (uncredited) | Victor Franko |
Mall Shopper (uncredited) | Sari Gagnon |
Surveillence Officer (uncredited) | David J. Garfield |
Upscale Shopper (uncredited) | Suzanne Gillies |
Wedding Guest (uncredited) | Albert Gornie |
Wedding Guest (uncredited) | Rob W. Gray |
Mall Shopper (uncredited) | Dane Grigas |
Mall Shopper (uncredited) | Teresa Haney |
Mall Shopper (uncredited) | Cody Harter |
Mall Shopper (uncredited) | Matt Heron-Duranti |
Mall Shopper (uncredited) | Mark Hetherington |
Police Recruit (uncredited) | Louis Holmes |
Shopper (uncredited) | Ren Knopf |
Mall Shopper (uncredited) | Lynn L'Heureux |
Mall Shopper / Dancing Bistro Waiter at Wedding (uncredited) | Dan Marshall |
Shopper (uncredited) | Andrew J McGuinness |
New Jersey State Trooper (uncredited) | Todd Mello |
Police Recruit (uncredited) | Jason Mulcahy |
Pedestrian (uncredited) | Ron Murphy |
Bartender (uncredited) | Scott Neufville |
Wedding Guest (uncredited) | Chris Palermo |
Police Recruit (uncredited) | Aaron J. Patton |
Mall Shopper (uncredited) | Alan Resnic |
Mall Shopper (uncredited) | Brieann Rich |
Mall Game Shopper (uncredited) | Michael Rich |
Mall Shopper (uncredited) | Nicholas Rich |
Mall Shopper (uncredited) | Bradley Robinson |
Mall Shopper (uncredited) | Jessica Rockwood |
Restaurant Patron (uncredited) | Gary Roscoe |
Mall Shopper (uncredited) | Jonathan Sawicki |
William Sonoma Employee (uncredited) | Cate Smit |
Video Game Hurdler (uncredited) | Gustin Smith |
Upscale Mall Shopper (uncredited) | Ylian Alfaro Snyder |
Mall Shopper (uncredited) | Jon Robert Stafford |
Bar Patron / Shopper (uncredited) | George J. Vezina |
Wedding Guest (uncredited) | Donald Warnock |
Late-Night Mall Denizen (uncredited) | Jon Warnock |
Mall Shopper (uncredited) | Mike Wendt |
Shopper (uncredited) | Kent R. Williams |