Movie 'District 9'
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Thirty years ago, aliens arrive on Earth. Not to conquer or give aid, but to find refuge from their dying planet. Separated from humans in a South African area called District 9, the aliens are managed by Multi-National United, which is unconcerned with the aliens' welfare but will do anything to master their advanced technology. When a company field agent contracts a mysterious virus that begins to alter his DNA, there is only one place he can hide: District 9.
German (Deutsch)
1982 tauchte ein Raumschiff über Johannesburg auf, an Bord außerirdische Flüchtlinge. Zwanzig Jahre später ist die ursprüngliche Gastfreundschaft der Menschen geschwunden. Aus dem Flüchtlingslager ist ein elendes Ghetto geworden, in dem die ungeliebten Besucher interniert sind: District 9. Das Privatunternehmen Multi-National United (MNU) erhält den Auftrag, sich um die Angelegenheit zu kümmern, verfolgt dabei aber ganz eigene Interessen. Als der MNU-Agent Wikus van de Merwe sich mit einem seltsamen Virus infiziert, wird er zur Zielscheibe und findet ausgerechnet im District 9 neue Freunde, die ihn unterstützen.
French (Français)
Il y a vingt-huit ans, des extraterrestres entrèrent en contact avec la Terre... Ces visiteurs d'au-delà des étoiles étaient des réfugiés et furent installés dans le District 9, en Afrique du Sud, pendant que les nations du monde se querellaient pour savoir quoi en faire... Depuis, la gestion de la situation a été transférée au MNU (Multi-National United), une société privée qui n'a pas grand-chose à faire du sort de ces créatures, mais qui fera d'énormes bénéfices si elle arrive à faire fonctionner leur extraordinaire armement. Jusqu'à présent, toutes les tentatives ont échoué: pour que les armes marchent, il faut de l'ADN extraterrestre. La tension entre extraterrestres et humains atteint son maximum lorsque le MNU commence à évacuer les non-humains du District 9 vers un nouveau camp.
Italian (Italiano)
Negli anni '80 sono arrivati gli alieni. Stavolta però non sono atterrati a Manhattan o in qualche sperduto paesino campagnolo degli Stati Uniti ma si sono fermati con un'astronave gigante sopra Johannesburg senza muoversi più. C'è stato bisogno che un convoglio terrestre andasse a vedere cosa conteneva quella nave apparentemente immobile per scoprire milioni di alieni denutriti, sporchi e in condizioni pessime. Da quel momento per 20 anni i visitatori sono stati stipati in una baraccopoli di Johannesburg creata per l'occasione: il distretto 9. Un luogo dove le creature da un altro pianeta sono trattate come animali, dove regnano caos e anarchia e dal quale ogni tanto scappano facendo incursioni in città che non portano altro che risentimento e xenofobia nella popolazione locale. Ora è arrivato il momento di spostarli da qualche altra parte, ma loro è a casa che vogliono tornare.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- alien
- alien technology
- alternate history
- based on short
- dystopia
- genetics
- government
- internment camp
- johannesburg south africa
- metamorphosis
- mockumentary
- mutation
- prawn
- private military company
- racism
- satire
- segregation
- slum
- south africa
- street gang
- transformation
- xenophobia
- Genres
- Science Fiction
- Languages
- English
- Afrikaans
- Zulu (isiZulu)
- Chichewa; Nyanja
- Sotho
- Xhosa
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
New Zealand
South Africa
United States of America
- Production Companies
TriStar Pictures
Block / Hanson
WingNut Films
- District 9
- Release Dates
Theatrical R16
Theatrical MA15+
Theatrical R
Theatrical 15
Premiere Deauville American Film Festival
German (Deutsch): Theatrical 16
Theatrical 16
Premiere L'Étrange Festival
French (Français): Theatrical
Theatrical 12
Italian (Italiano): Theatrical
Theatrical T
Physical 15 Blu-ray & DVD
Physical 16 Blu-ray & DVD
Physical 15 4K Ultra HD
Digital 15 Prime Video
- Ratings
- TMDb 74% · 9,632 (more information on website)
- IMDb 79% · 730,967 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 90% (more information on website)
- metacritic 81% (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Wikus van de Merwe | Sharlto Copley |
Christopher Johnson / Grey Bradnam / Trent | Jason Cope |
Sarah Livingstone - Sociologist | Nathalie Boltt |
Dr Katrina McKenzie | Sylvaine Strike |
Interviewee | Elizabeth Mkandawie |
Les Feldman - MIL Engineer | John Sumner |
Dirk Michaels | William Allen Young |
Francois Moraneu - CIV Engineer Team | Nick Blake |
Interviewer | Greg Melvill-Smith |
Ross Pienaar | Robert Hobbs |
Tania van de Merwe | Vanessa Haywood |
Interviewee | Morena Busa Sesatsa |
Interviewee | Themba Nkosi |
Interviewee | Mzwandile Nqoba |
Interviewee | Barry Strydom |
James Hope - Police Officer | Jed Brophy |
Piet Smit | Louis Minnaar |
Sandra van de Merwe | Marian Hooman |
Michael Bloemstein - MNU Alien Civil Affairs | Vittorio Leonardi |
MNU Doctor | David Clatworthy |
MSU Doctor | Michael Huff |
Koobus Venter | David James |
Clive Henderson - Entomologist | Tim Gordon |
Paramedic | Anthony Bishop |
MNU Executive | Anthony Fridjhon |
Obesandjo | Eugene Khumbanyiwa |
Anton Grobler | Melt Sieberhagen |
Mike Van Kerland | Andre Odendaal |
MNU Medical Student | Louise Saint-Claire |
MNU Lead Medical Technician | Norman Anstey |
Craig Weldon | Nick Boraine |
MNU Mercenary | Brandon Auret |
MNU Mercenary | Jacques Gombault |
MNU Mercenary | Justin Strydom |
MNU Mercenary | Simo Mogwaza |
MNU Mercenary | Matt Stern |
MNU Mercenary | David Dukas |
MNU Guard | Daniel Hadebe |
Nigerian Gangster | Bongo Mbutuma |
Nigerian Gangster | Johnny Selema |
Fundiswa Mhlanga | Mandla Gaduka |
Nicolas van de Merwe | Johan van Schoor |
Phyllis Sinderson - MNU Alien Relations | Stella Steenkamp |
Reporter | Mampho Brescia |
MNU Medic | Morne Erasmus |
Sangoma | Hlengiwe Madlala |
Obesandjo's Lieutenant | Siyabonga Radebe |
MNU Operating Room Doctor | Alan Glauber |
MNU Biolab Technician | Nicolas Herbstein |
Ü Günters Woman | Sibulele Gcilitshana |
SABC Anchor Person | Mahendra Raghunath |
Meat Stall Seller | Phillip Mathebula |
MNU Office Worker | Claudine Bennent |
MNU Office Worker | Michelle Ayden |
MNU Office Worker | Antony Sarak |
MNU Office Worker | Billy Somagaca |
MNU Office Worker | Ryan Whittal |
MNU Office Worker | John Jacob |
MNU Office Worker | Yashik Maharaj |
MNU Office Worker | Fernando Saraiva |
MNU Office Worker | Sharon Waugh |
MNU Mercenary | Theunis Nel |
MNU Mercenary | Sonni Chidiebere |
MNU Mercenary | Danny Datnow |
MNU Guard | Wisani Mbokota |
MNU Guard | Craig Jackson |
MNU Guard | Justin Duplessis |
MNU Guard | Rodney Downey |
MNU Guard | Den Antonakas |
Nigerian Gangster | Mashabela Galane |
Nigerian Gangster | Mfazwe Sekobane |
Nigerian Gangster | Nicholas Ratlou |
Nigerian Gangster | Saint Gregory Nwokedi |
Nigerian Gangster | Donalson Rabisi |
Nigerian Gangster | Zephania Sibanda |
Nigerian Gangster | Gideon Thodane |
Nigerian Gangster | Mdu Mthabela |
Nigerian Gangster | David Mikhethi |
Nigerian Gangster | Jeffries Simelane |
Nigerian Gangster | Shafique Allan |
Nigerian Hooker | Wendy Mbatha |
Nigerian Hooker | Leigh Mashupye |
Nigerian Hooker | Beauty Setai |
Nigerian Hooker | Nkiyase Mondlana |
Soweto Resident | Kuda Rusike |
Soweto Resident | Morena Setatsa |
Soweto Resident | Mpho Molao |
Soweto Resident | Ntombi Nkuua |
Soweto Resident | Absalom Dikane |
Soweto Resident | Monthandazo Thomo |
Soweto Resident | Norman Thabalala |
Soweto Resident | Siphiwe Mbuko |
Soweto Resident | Shiela Nene |
Man with Wikus' Coordinates (uncredited) | Neill Blomkamp |
MNU Mercenary (uncredited) | Trevor Coppola |
Thomas | Kenneth Nkosi |