Movie 'Battleship'
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The battle for Earth begins at sea.
When mankind beams a radio signal into space, a reply comes from ‘Planet G’, in the form of several alien crafts that splash down in the waters off Hawaii. Lieutenant Alex Hopper is a weapons officer assigned to the USS John Paul Jones, part of an international naval coalition which becomes the world's last hope for survival as they engage the hostile alien force of unimaginable strength. While taking on the invaders, Hopper must also try to live up to the potential that his brother, and his fiancée's father—an Admiral—expect of him.
- a.k.a. Battleship 2012
German (Deutsch)
Ein internationaler Flottenverband aus fünf Kriegsschiffen führt gerade eine Übung im pazifischen Ozean durch. Admiral Shane erblickt während eines Manövers ein metallenes Gebilde, das sich bei näherer Betrachtung als außerirdisches Raumschiff entpuppt, das aus dem Wasser ragt. Die Militärs reagieren mit großer Neugier auf das unbekannte Objekt. Als sich die ersten Offiziere dem gewaltigen Raumschiff nähern, erwecken sie es zum Leben. Admiral Shane und sein Schwiegersohn in spe, Alex Hopper, gehen auf Angriffskurs und stellen sich den ungebetenen Gästen in die Quere. Doch die entfesselte Seeschlacht ist nur der Anfang. Denn die Aliens, "Regents" genannt, wollen eine gewaltige Energiequelle auf dem Meer errichten - und die Menschheit scheint ihnen dabei im Weg zu stehen...
French (Français)
Océan Pacifique. Au large d’Hawaï, l’US Navy déploie toute sa puissance. Mais bientôt, une forme étrange et menaçante émerge à la surface des eaux, suivie par des dizaines d’autres, dotées d’une puissance de destruction inimaginable. Qui sont-ils ? Que faisaient-ils, cachés depuis si longtemps au fond de l’océan ? À bord de l’USS John Paul Jones, le jeune officier Hopper, l’amiral Shane et le sous-officier Raikes vont découvrir que l’océan n’est pas toujours aussi pacifique qu’il y paraît. La bataille pour sauver notre planète débute en mer.
Italian (Italiano)
Gli scienziati americani individuano il pianeta "G", con caratteristiche simili alla Terra e potenziale presenza di vita al suo interno, e inviano un segnale di contatto da una postazione nelle Hawaii. Mentre la marina militare americana è in procinto di compiere un'esercitazione nel Pacifico, la risposta aliena arriva, pericolosissima, e dalle profondità siderali si tuffa in quelle oceaniche. Il marine Alex Hopper, fino a quel momento testardo e inconcludente, si ritrova a capitanare l'unica nave superstite nei dintorni e a dover prevenire ad ogni costo un'invasione globale della Terra.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- aftercreditsstinger
- armada
- based on board game
- battleship
- buoy
- communications expert
- crash landing
- fictional war
- fight
- football (soccer)
- hong kong
- jds myoko
- jet fighter pilot
- joint chiefs of staff
- lost communication
- mind reading
- naval
- naval combat
- naval warfare
- navy lieutenant
- permission to marry
- scientist
- taser
- u.s. navy
- uss missouri
- Genres
- Action
- Adventure
- Science Fiction
- Thriller
- Languages
- English
- Japanese (日本語)
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
United States of America
- Production Companies
Bluegrass Films
Film 44
Universal Pictures
Hasbro Studios
- Release Dates
Theatrical M
French (Français): Theatrical 12
Theatrical 12A
Theatrical 16
Theatrical M
Theatrical T
Theatrical 18A
Theatrical PG-13
Digital VOD
Physical DVD & Blu-Ray
Physical PG-13 DVD, Blu-ray
Physical PG-13 4K UHD
Physical 4K UHD
Digital Prime Video
Digital Netflix
- Ratings
- TMDb 59% · 5,584 (more information on website)
- IMDb 58% · 261,505 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 34% (more information on website)
- metacritic 41% (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Lieutenant Alex Hopper | Taylor Kitsch |
Commander Stone Hopper | Alexander Skarsgård |
Petty Officer Cora 'Weps' Raikes | Rihanna |
Sam | Brooklyn Decker |
Captain Yugi Nagata | Tadanobu Asano |
Cal Zapata | Hamish Linklater |
Admiral Shane | Liam Neeson |
Secretary of Defense | Peter MacNicol |
Chief Petty Officer Walter "The Beast" Lynch | John Tui |
Boatswain Mate Seaman Jimmy "Ordy" Ord | Jesse Plemons |
Lieutenant Colonel Mick Canales | Gregory D. Gadson |
Sampson JOOD Strodell | Jerry Ferrara |
Dr. Nogrady | Adam Godley |
Captain Browley | Rico McClinton |
Chief Engineer Hiroki | Joji Yoshida |
Bartender | Louis Lombardi |
Old Salt | Norman Vincent McLafferty |
JPJ OOD | Stephen Bishop |
JPJ XO Mullenaro | Dante Jimenez |
JPJ Helmsman | Daven Arce |
JPJ Starboard Gunner | Ralph Richardson |
JPJ BMOW | Biunca Love |
JPJ JOOD | Michael Sherman |
JPJ Fireman | Austin Naulty |
JPJ Fireman | Patricia Brown |
JPJ Fireman | Gregory Harvey |
JPJ Scat | Sebastian James |
JPJ Armorer | Andrew Serpas |
JPJ Helibay Sailor | Damien Seanard Parker |
CIC Gunner | Carson Aune |
CIC Watch Supervisor | Doug Penty |
Combat Systems Coordinator | Josh Pence |
Radar System Controller | Jason Henderson |
Chart Table Plotter | Brint Terrell |
Chart Table Log Keeper | Brad Faucheux |
Electronic Warfare Supervisor | Dustin J. Reno |
CIC Watch Officer | John Schmotzer |
JPJ 2nd Gunner | Peter Berg |
JPJ Port Gunner | Jonathon Groves |
JPJ Port Gunner | Lloyd Pitts |
JPJ Radar Op | Ryan Tinio |
JPJ Lead Helmsman | Allie Sillah |
JPJ Switchboard Operator | Johnny Santiago |
Gun Console Operator | Kiley Margeson |
Surface Warfare Coordinator | Jeffrey Johns |
JPJ CIWS Operator | Esther Solomon |
JPJ Air Warfare Coordinator | Kevin Garlington |
JPJ Sailor | Anthony Czumalowski |
JPJ Sailor | James Hadde |
JPJ Sailor | Pat Lancaster |
JPJ Sailor | Jordan Kirkwood |
JPJ Sailor | Jane Dubiel |
JPJ Sailor | John A. Weaver |
JPJ Sailor | Mark J. Lindquist |
JPJ Sailor | Phil Neilson |
Sampson OOD | Dane Justman |
Sampson Helmsman | Dustin Watchman |
Sampson XO | Drew Rausch |
Sampson CIC TAO | Ryland Reamy |
Sampson Starboard Lookout | Donald Willcutt |
Sampson Boatswain | Eli Miranda |
Sampson Port Lookout | Josh Demuth |
Sampson Watch Officer | Thomas Grieser |
Samson OS DA | Christopher Darling |
Sampson Gunner | Tyrone Gregg |
Myoko OOD | Brian C. Hirono |
Myoko XO | Yutaka Takeuchi |
Myoko JOOD | Nobuharu Harada |
Myoko Helmsman | Masaomi Uchida |
Myoko Radar Operator | Kyle Ken Shimabukuro |
Myoko Starboard Lookout | Masashi Takekawa |
Myoko BMOW | Hyoe Joe Takahashi |
Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff | Rick Hoffman |
State Department Official | Stephen Baldini |
Marine Commandant | Bill Stinchcomb |
Army Chief of Staff | Bruce Mandell |
Air Force Chief of Staff | Gary Grubbs |
NASA Director | David Jensen |
Commander Meldman | Mike Meldman |
Ensign | Hunter Meldman |
Japanese Vice Admiral | George Arine |
JPL Supervisor | Bill McMullen |
JPL Controller | Joe Chrest |
Officer Blake | Benjamin Lloyd |
BIP Technician | Billy Slaughter |
BIP HQ Controller #2 | Griff Furst |
BIP Journalist | Terri Battee |
BIP Journalist | Angelo Denova |
BIP Scientist | Colby Parker, Jr. |
BIP Scientist | Geoff Clayton |
BIP Scientist | David Kors |
Cal's Jr. Tech | Christopher McGahan |
Cal's Female Colleague | Kerry Cahill |
Female Newscaster | Liz Wicker |
British Newscaster | Michelle Arthur |
Spanish Newscaster | Natalia Castellanos |
Hawaiian Newscaster | Dan Cooke |
Japanese Newscaster | Leni Ito |
American Newscaster | Jay Jackson |
Jackie Johnson | Jackie Johnson |
Soccer Ref | Frank J. Doyle |
Soccer Announcer | Robin Atkin Downes |
Soccer Announcer | Zach Selwyn |
Japanese Goalie | Leonard Rogers |
Singer at Bar | Citizen Cope |
Fat Guy at Bar | Evan Bernard |
Convenience Store Owner | Cora Yamagata |
Grizzled Gunner | Frank Cassavetes |
Admiral Shane's Aide | Thomas McCurdy |
Marine Aide | Robert Hotalen |
Watch Officer | Rami Malek |
Reagan CO | Ray Mabus |
Reagan Radar Operator | Marissa Nordhelm |
Commander Rivera | Ronald Chavez |
Wounded Warrior | Legrand Strickland |
CAREN Technician | Michael Vernon |
Director of Rehabilitation | Jason Wilken |
Old Salt | James Ward |
Old Salt | Philip Trifilo |
Old Salt | William Powers |
Old Salt | Don Dailey |
Old Salt | Bill Carr |
Old Salt | Dennis M. Keating |
Old Salt | Garrett Lynch |
Old Salt | Wallace Mackensen |
Old Salt | William Long |
Old Salt TAO | Edward Drew |
Old Salt RO | John E. Culkin |
Old Salt Navigator | Hiram L. Fong |
Old Salt WO | Larry Wegger |
POFC Dallas | Dallas Kane Hewitt |
SCAT Team | Adam Sibley |
SCAT Team | James Rish |
Tourist Guide | George O'Hanlon, Jr. |
Tourist Kid | Wesley Phelps |
Regent Land Commander | Marcus Lyle Brown |
Regent Sea Commander | Kyle Clements |
Jimmy | Kevin P. Kearns |
Angus | John Bell |
Ronnie | Conor McCarry |
Thom | Dylan Gillooly |
Ensign Chavez | Gerardo Celasco |
Reporter (uncredited) | Teresa Alvarez |
Admiral Jack (uncredited) | Luing Andrews |
Soccer Fan (uncredited) | Fileena Bahris |
Woman at Soccer Game (uncredited) | Joanne Bahris |
Regent (uncredited) | Tim Blanchard |
Singaporean Captain (uncredited) | Raj K. Bose |
Naval Officer (uncredited) | Curtis Bush |
Three Star Admiral (uncredited) | Tom Cain |
Scientist (uncredited) | Edward J. Clare |
Little League Father (uncredited) | Davo Coria |
Chief Petty Officer (uncredited) | Kamakani De Dely |
CIC Sailor (uncredited) | Alex DeMarco |
U.S. Navy Captain (uncredited) | Paul Edney |
Petty Officer 3rd Class Blackburn (uncredited) | Joanna Ellenbeck |
Navy Wife (uncredited) | Kerry-Ann Ellington |
Bar Patron (uncredited) | Kasey Emas |
Harrison (uncredited) | Faith Fay |
Ensign Huyn (uncredited) | Gregory Allen Gabroy |
Alien Regent / Thug (uncredited) | Jaq Galliano |
Baseball Kid (uncredited) | Mickey Graue |
Marine (uncredited) | Christopher Lee Herod |
Gunner's Mate Wagner (uncredited) | Dakota Hill |
U.S. Navy Sailor (uncredited) | Sean Douglas Hoban |
Soccer Fan (uncredited) | Bliss Kelley |
Kid in Car (uncredited) | Kennon Kepper |
Soccer Game Patron (uncredited) | Kristal Kincaid |
Petty Officer (uncredited) | James Koons |
Japanese Soccer Player (uncredited) | Anthony A. Kung |
Reporter (uncredited) | Tony Lawson |
International Anchor (uncredited) | Wes Martinez |
Japanese Sailor (uncredited) | Ed Moy |
Naval Officer | Arlene Newman |
Navy Wife (uncredited) | Suki Úna Rae |
Petty Officer 3rd Class (uncredited) | Adam J. Reeb |
Naval Officer (uncredited) | Jane Runnalls |
Camera Ship Pilot (uncredited) | Ben Skorstad |
Admiral's Wife (uncredited) | Barbara L. Southern |
Hot Chick (uncredited) | Kristen StephensonPino |
Alien Ground Commander (uncredited) | Kelly R. Thomas |
Alien Regent Scientist / MO CAP (uncredited) | Joseph Wilson |
Journalist (uncredited) | Michael Wozniak |
Myoko Officer (uncredited) | Elvin Yoshida |
Self (uncredited) | Barack Obama |