Movie 'The Sum of All Fears'
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27,000 nuclear weapons. One is missing.
When the president of Russia suddenly dies, a man whose politics are virtually unknown succeeds him. The change in political leaders sparks paranoia among American CIA officials, so CIA director Bill Cabot recruits a young analyst to supply insight and advice on the situation. Then the unthinkable happens: a nuclear bomb explodes in a U.S. city, and America is quick to blame the Russians.
German (Deutsch)
- a.k.a. Der Anschlag - The Sum of All Fears
Amerikas schlimmste Befürchtungen aus dem Kalten Krieg drohen wahr zu werden, als der russische Präsident stirbt und ein Mann mit dubioser Vergangenheit sein Amt übernimmt. Die CIA verdächtigt abtrünnige russische Wissenschaftler, neue Atomwaffen zu entwickeln. Die Spannungen zwischen West und Ost spitzen sich dramatisch zu. Mit einem Sonderauftrag von CIA-Chef William Cabot folgt Jack Ryan einer gefährlichen Spur bis zur schockierenden Erkenntnis: Terroristen wollen einen Krieg zwischen den U.S.A. und Russland auslösen, indem sie während eines Top-Footballspiels eine Atombombe zünden.
French (Français)
- a.k.a. La Somme de toutes les peurs
Le Président russe vient de décéder. Un groupe de néo-nazis parvient à s'emparer d'une bombe nucléaire datant de la Guerre du Kippour. Leur prochaine cible : la ville américaine de Baltimore, où doit se dérouler la finale du Superbowl. Les terroristes espèrent ainsi que la panique générale relancera la défunte Guerre Froide. Parallèlement, des généraux extrémistes lancent une attaque chimique sur Grozny, anéantissant ainsi la capitale tchétchène au nom du gouvernement russe. Le directeur de la CIA, Bill Cabot, engage alors les services d'un brillant et intègre agent spécialiste de la Russie, Jack Ryan, afin de faire la lumière sur les derniers événements. Selon celui-ci, les principaux responsables ne sont pas les autorités russes. Jack doit faire vite pour trouver des preuves tangibles qui corroboreront sa thèse.
Italian (Italiano)
Jack Ryan, giovane analista, da poco entrato alla CIA, viene incaricato da WIlliam Cabot, capo del controspionaggio, di una missione particolarmente pericolosa: mettersi sulle tracce di una bomba atomica smarrita trent'anni prima dagli israeliani, rimasta inesplosa sottoterra, e ritrovata per caso in quei giorni. La bomba rappresenta un pericolo nucleare rivolto verso gli Stati Uniti, di cui minaccia la sicurezza. Assistito dal collega John Clark, Ryan segue varie piste, anche se i sospetti sono indirizzati verso la Russia. Mentre il reciproco scambio di accuse tra Stati Uniti e Russia prosegue e raggiunge livelli molto delicati, Ryan arriva ad individuare i veri colpevoli: si tratta di alcuni neonazisti europei, che appunto volevano ricreare il clima da guerra fredda per portare avanti un loro piano di sterminio e di dominio.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- arms inspection
- atomic bomb
- baltimore, maryland
- based on novel or book
- central intelligence agency (cia)
- chechnya
- cia analyst
- cold war
- ex military
- imminent threat
- intelligence
- intelligence agency
- intelligence analyst
- jack ryan
- nuclear explosion
- russian president
- spy
- terrorism
- usa president
- Genres
- Action
- Drama
- Thriller
- Languages
- English
- German (Deutsch)
- Russian (Pусский)
- Ukrainian (Український)
- Arabic (العربية)
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
United States of America
- Production Companies
Paramount Pictures
Mace Neufeld Productions
- Release Dates
Premiere PG-13
Theatrical 14A
Theatrical PG-13
Theatrical U
Theatrical 12
Theatrical 12 German speaking region
Theatrical 12
English: Theatrical M
Italian (Italiano): Theatrical T
Physical DVD
Physical Blu-Ray
Digital VOD
Physical 4K UHD
- Ratings
- TMDb 64% · 1,760 (more information on website)
- IMDb 65% · 127,882 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 59% (more information on website)
- metacritic 45% (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Jack Ryan | Ben Affleck |
DCI William Cabot | Morgan Freeman |
President Fowler | James Cromwell |
John Clark | Liev Schreiber |
Dr. Cathy Muller | Bridget Moynahan |
Dressler | Alan Bates |
President Nemerov | Ciarán Hinds |
Defense Secretary Becker | Philip Baker Hall |
Secretary of State Owens | Ron Rifkin |
National Security Advisor Revell | Bruce McGill |
Olson | Colm Feore |
Senator Jessup | Josef Sommer |
Admiral Pollack | Ken Jenkins |
Anatoli Grushkov | Michael Byrne |
General Lasseter | John Beasley |
Dillon | Jamie Harrold |
Syrian Radar Operator | Ian Mongrain |
Israeli Pilot | Russell Bobbitt |
US STRATCOM Colonel | Al Vandecruys |
Mt. Weather General | Richard Cohee |
President's Military Aide | Philip Pretten |
Fowler's Aide | Alison Darcy |
President Zorkin | Richard Marner |
Zorkin's Translator | Ostap Soroka |
Zorkin's Interviewer | Robert Martin Robinson |
Rudy | Dale Godboldo |
Mary Pat Foley | Lee Garlington |
Arab Gravedigger | Stefan Kalipha |
Ghazi | Nabil Elouahabi |
Zorkin's Aide | Maria Monakhova |
CIA Wardrobe Guy | Francois Bryon |
Dr. Rita Russell | Pragna Desai |
Olson's Translator | Michel 'Gish' Abou-Samah |
Nemerov's Aide | Edward Zinoviev |
Pam Lathrop | Sheena Larkin |
General Rand | Frank Fontaine |
Kremlin Photographer | Andre Cornellier |
Kremlin Photographer's Assistant | Maxime Opadtchii |
Nemerov's Translator | Mariusz Sibiga |
American Scientist | Norman Mikeal Berketa |
General Saratkin | Lev Prygunov |
WHCA Dinner Chairman | Mace Neufeld |
President's Aide | Jennifer Seguin |
White House Mess Waiter | Josh Kimmel |
General Dubinin | Evgeniy Lazarev |
Haft | Sven-Ole Thorsen |
Dressler's Associate | Heinar Piller |
Dressler's Associate | Arthur Holden |
Monsieur Monceau | Marcel Sabourin |
Dressler's Secretary | Vie Nystrom |
Jared Mason | Joel Bissonnette |
Dockyard Navy Veteran | Kwasi Songui |
Nemerov's Wife | Marina Lapina |
Russian Nurse | Victoria Reuter |
Spassky's Mother | France Arbour |
Spassky | Lubomir Mykytiuk |
Orlov | Vladimir Radian |
Milinov | Gregory Hlady |
Ukrainian Guard | Valeri Koudriavtsev |
Ukrainian Guard | Victor Pedtrchenko |
Sportscaster | Willie Gault |
Sportscaster | Gary Gelfand |
National Anthem Singer | Arnold McCuller |
Helicopter Pilot | Craig Hosking |
Referee | Jerry Markbreit |
Secret Service Agent | John Eaves |
Hospital Physician | J.J. Carle |
Marine Rescuer | David Vazquez |
US Stratcom Colonel | David Schaap |
Capt. Lorna Shiro | LisaGay Hamilton |
AFRAT Specialist Wesson | Kirk Taylor |
AFRAT Specialist Stubbs | Jason Antoon |
NAOC Hotline Operator | Lisa Bronwyn Moore |
Admiral Ivanov | Aleksandr Belyavskiy |
Aircraft Carrier Petty Officer | Jason Winer |
Aircraft Carrier Petty Officer | Antonio David Lyons |
Aircraft Carrier Duty Officer | Lennie Loftin |
Russian Pilot | Mike McDougal |
Pickup Truck Owner | Matt Holland |
F-16 Pilot | Roger Tonry |
Russian Defense Minister | Oleg Belkin |
General Bulgakov | Constantine Gregory |
Burn Victim | Griffith Brewer |
Baltimore Nurse | Jacklyn St. Pierre |
Baltimore Nurse | Mariah Inger |
US STRATCOM Captain | Mark Antony Krupa |
Arab Doctor | Joseph Antaki |
Baltimore Cop | Marcel Jeannin |
AF Lt. Colonel | Gerry Wood |
Pentagon Security Guard | Conrad Pla |
General Wilkes | Philip Akin |
Pentagon NCO | Henri Pardo |
Pentagon Mo-Link Operator | Irwin Dillion |
Dubinin's Killer | Real Auger |
Dubinin's Killer | Gilles Marsolais |
Dressler's Aide | Eric Steibi |
Mother (uncredited) | Marie-Josée Colburn |
Captain Vicky Shiro (uncredited) | Marie Matiko |
Russian Translator on TV (uncredited) | Laraine Newman |
Department | Job | Person |
Art | Art Department Assistant | Marie-Hélène Labrecque |
Art Department Coordinator | Nicole Martinez-King | |
Art Direction | Isabelle Guay | |
John DeMeo | ||
Martin Gendron | ||
Michele Laliberte | ||
Assistant Art Director | Caroline Alder | |
Assistant Property Master | Eric Bardin | |
Construction Coordinator | Alain Brochu | |
Graphic Designer | Isabelle Côté | |
Greensman | David Corral | |
Leadman | Shane Reed | |
Location Scout | Audrey Brooks | |
Production Design | Jeannine Oppewall | |
Production Illustrator | Jean-Francois Mignault | |
Property Master | Claire Alary | |
Sculptor | Andrew Semple | |
Set Decoration | Cindy Carr | |
Set Designer | Daniel R. Jennings | |
Randall D. Wilkins | ||
Set Dresser | Tim Fassino | |
Set Supervisor | Steve Dubin | |
Storyboard Artist | Marc Baird | |
Supervising Art Director | Andrew Neskoromny | |
Claude Paré | ||
Swing | Claude Beaucage | |
Camera | Additional Photography | Christopher Woods |
Additional Still Photographer | Jan Thijs | |
Aerial Camera | Mark R. Leins | |
Assistant Camera | Giselle Brewton | |
Best Boy Grip | Alain Bisson Doyal | |
Camera Loader | Dan Barentine | |
Eric Aubin | ||
Camera Operator | Stephen S. Campanelli | |
Camera Technician | Mark Hryma | |
Director of Photography | John Lindley | |
Dolly Grip | Alain Masse | |
First Assistant Camera | Wayne Baker | |
First Company Grip | Tom Nichols | |
Focus Puller | Philippe Piron | |
Grip | Benoît Alarie | |
Helicopter Camera | Julian Brain | |
Key Grip | Robert B. Baylis | |
Second Assistant Camera | Kenneth Bender | |
Second Company Grip | Dean Citroni | |
Steadicam Operator | Lawrence Karman | |
Still Photographer | Mark Fellman | |
Costume & Make-Up | Assistant Costume Designer | Daniele Léger |
Assistant Makeup Artist | Fanny Vachon | |
Costume Coordinator | Lyse Pomerleau | |
Costume Designer | Marie-Sylvie Deveau | |
Costumer | Anne-Marie Langevin | |
Hair Department Head | Matt Danon | |
Hairstylist | Deena Adair | |
Key Dresser | Ginette Régis | |
Key Hair Stylist | Corald Giroux | |
Key Makeup Artist | Francine Gagnon | |
Makeup Artist | Annik Boivin | |
Makeup Department Head | Susan A. Cabral | |
Wardrobe Assistant | Rosalie Clermont-Bilodeau | |
Crew | Additional Music | John Paesano |
Aerial Coordinator | Craig Hosking | |
CG Supervisor | Caleb J. Howard | |
Choreographer | Annie Larouche | |
Compositor | Matthew T. Wilson | |
Craft Service | William Grunder | |
Dialogue Coach | Ehab Zayed | |
Driver | Michael W. Broomer | |
Marine Coordinator | Jason Crosby | |
Pilot | Bree McMurchy | |
Production Office Assistant | Liza Bigger | |
Receptionist | Silvy Kim | |
Scenic Artist | Alain Giguère | |
Set Medic | Jeff Johnson | |
Set Production Assistant | Rhys Summerhayes | |
Special Effects Assistant | Marc Chow | |
Special Effects Coordinator | Frank Ceglia | |
Special Effects Technician | Jean-François Aubin | |
Stand In | Diana Jellinek | |
Stunt Coordinator | Terry Leonard | |
Stunt Double | Jophery C. Brown | |
Stunt Driver | Rick Kain | |
Stunts | Alison Reid | |
Jean Frenette | ||
Nathalie Girard | ||
Systems Administrators & Support | Kevin Tengan | |
Transportation Coordinator | Pierre Guay | |
Unit Publicist | Karen Pidgurski | |
Utility Stunts | Stéphane Byl | |
Video Assist Operator | Julie Garceau | |
Visual Effects Art Director | Doug Juhn | |
Visual Effects Editor | Zeke Morales | |
Directing | Additional Third Assistant Director | Alexandre Bernard |
Assistant Director | Stéphane Byl | |
Tom Davies | ||
Director | Phil Alden Robinson | |
First Assistant Director | David Sardi | |
Script Supervisor | Anna Rane | |
Second Assistant Director | Richard Oswald | |
Second Second Assistant Director | Brigitte Goulet | |
Second Unit Director | Craig Hosking | |
Third Assistant Director | Maxime Bérubé | |
Editing | Additional Editing | Nicolas De Toth |
Assistant Editor | Doug Caron | |
Color Timer | Jim Passon | |
Colorist | Donald Freeman | |
Editor | Neil Travis | |
Negative Cutter | Mary Nelson | |
Lighting | Assistant Chief Lighting Technician | Don Aros |
Chief Lighting Technician | Alex Amyot | |
Jean Courteau | ||
Murdoch Campbell | ||
Electrician | Jean-François Abran | |
Gaffer | Rich Paisley | |
Key Rigging Grip | Stephen Wells | |
Lighting Technician | Stéphane Byl | |
Rigging Gaffer | Bernard Arseneau | |
Rigging Grip | Frank Detone Jr. | |
Production | ADR Voice Casting | Leigh French |
Assistant Location Manager | Kim De Pietro | |
Assistant Production Coordinator | Saundra Diardichuk | |
Casting | Larisa Isaeva | |
Mindy Marin | ||
Nina Gold | ||
Casting Assistant | Tamara Gillon | |
Terri Tracy | ||
Casting Associate | Amanda Harding | |
Executive Assistant | Kathy Day | |
Executive Producer | Stratton Leopold | |
Tom Clancy | ||
Extras Casting | Jocelyn Parenteau | |
First Assistant Accountant | Jim Dunlap | |
Local Casting | Rosina Bucci | |
Location Manager | Charley Armstrong | |
Elza Kephart | ||
Liam Kiernan | ||
Payroll Accountant | Katy Tatian-Genovese | |
Producer | Mace Neufeld | |
Production Accountant | Russell Steele | |
Production Assistant | Véronique Arcouette | |
Production Coordinator | Doris Donnenberg | |
Production Executive | Joel Román Mendías | |
Production Manager | Michel Siry | |
Production Secretary | Michael Alvarado | |
Production Supervisor | David Israel | |
Publicist | Miguel Angel Govea | |
Researcher | Charles-André Bertrand | |
Jennifer Bydwell | ||
Second Assistant Accountant | Robert George | |
Unit Production Manager | Victoria Frodsham | |
Sound | ADR Editor | Zack Davis |
ADR Mixer | Jeff Gomillion | |
ADR Recordist | Philip Rogers | |
Assistant Sound Editor | Anne Couk | |
Boom Operator | Anthony M. McCovey | |
Conductor | Jerry Goldsmith | |
Dialogue Editor | Mark Gordon | |
Dolby Consultant | James Wright | |
First Assistant Sound Editor | Lance Laurienzo | |
Foley Artist | Robin Harlan | |
Foley Editor | Scott Curtis | |
Foley Mixer | Randy K. Singer | |
Music Arranger | Robbie Kondor | |
Music Programmer | Nick Vidar | |
Musician | Liane Mautner | |
Natalie Leggett | ||
Ralph Williams | ||
Shana Blake Hil | ||
Orchestrator | David Campbell | |
Original Music Composer | Jerry Goldsmith | |
Production Sound Mixer | Patrick Rousseau | |
Patrick Rousseau | ||
Songs | Robbie Kondor | |
Sound Designer | Michael Payne | |
Sound Effects Editor | Steve Mann | |
Sound Engineer | Carl D. Ware | |
Sound Mixer | Melanie Johnson | |
Sound Re-Recording Mixer | Chris Jenkins | |
Supervising ADR Editor | Kimberly Lowe Voigt | |
Supervising Dialogue Editor | Kimberly Lowe Voigt | |
Supervising Music Editor | Kenneth Hall | |
Supervising Sound Editor | John Leveque | |
Visual Effects | Digital Compositors | Joseph Abenhaim |
I/O Supervisor | Brandon Craig | |
Matte Painter | Cam DeLeon | |
Modeling | Tex Kadonaga | |
Rotoscoping Artist | Marvin Jones | |
Special Effects Supervisor | Louis Craig | |
Visual Effects Assistant Editor | Deborah Phillips | |
Visual Effects Coordinator | Paula Bonhomme | |
Visual Effects Producer | Dan Malvin | |
Visual Effects Production Manager | Denise Demarest | |
Visual Effects Supervisor | Glenn Neufeld | |
Visual Effects Technical Director | Elizabeth Maxwell Keith | |
Glenn Neufeld | ||
Writing | Novel | Tom Clancy |
Screenplay | Daniel Pyne | |
Paul Attanasio |