Movie 'Space Cowboys'
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Space will never be the same.
Frank Corvin, ‘Hawk’ Hawkins, Jerry O'Neill and ‘Tank’ Sullivan were hotdog members of Project Daedalus, the Air Force's test program for space travel, but their hopes were dashed in 1958 with the formation of NASA and the use of trained chimps. They blackmail their way into orbit when Russia's mysterious ‘Ikon’ communications satellite's orbit begins to degrade and threatens to crash to Earth.
German (Deutsch)
Ein alter russischer Kommunikationssatellit droht aus der Atmosphäre in bewohntes Gebiet zu stürzen. Da die Technik dafür von dem Ingenieur Frank Corvin entwickelt wurde, muß er dafür herhalten, das Gerät wieder zu reparieren. Nur ist Corvin inzwischen ein alter Mann, der sich damals in den Fünfzigern Hoffnungen machte, als erste Crew ins Weltall zu starten. Doch das Projekt wurde abgeblasen. Corvin sagt zu, doch er legt Wert auf seine alte Crew, die inzwischen alle andere Jobs haben. In knapp dreißig Tagen müssen die alten Männer ein Weltraumtraining absolvieren, das für dreißig Jahre jüngere gemacht ist. Dann kommt der Tag der Entscheidung: der Start ins All...
French (Français)
En 1958, les astronautes Frank Corvin, Hawk Hawkins, Jerry O'Neill et Tank Sullivan se préparent pour une mission spatiale mais au dernier moment, la NASA leur préfère un singe. 42 ans plus tard, le satellite russe de communication Ikon menace de s’écraser sur la Terre. Corvin est le seul homme capable de maîtriser l'antique système de guidage, calqué sur celui qu'il avait conçu quelques décennies plus tôt pour Skylab. Il accepte la mission, à condition que ses 3 compagnons partent avec lui…
Italian (Italiano)
Quattro anziani piloti sono improvvisamente richiamati in servizio dalla Nasa. Un satellite degli anni sessanta in avaria rischia di precipitare sulla terra e solo loro sono in grado di aggiustarlo. Cosi, dopo avere inutilmente coltivato da giovani l'idea di andare nello spazio, i quattro astronauti hanno l'imprevista possibilita di realizzare un antico sogno perduto.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- astronaut
- elderly
- nasa
- space travel
- space western
- Genres
- Action
- Adventure
- Thriller
- Languages
- English
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
United States of America
- Production Companies
Village Roadshow Pictures
Malpaso Productions
Mad Chance
- Clipsal Films
Warner Bros. Pictures
- Release Dates
Premiere PG-13
Theatrical PG-13
Theatrical U
Theatrical 12
Theatrical PG
Theatrical PG
Theatrical 12
Theatrical T
- Ratings
- TMDb 64% · 1,384 (more information on website)
- IMDb 65% · 87,878 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 78% (more information on website)
- metacritic 73% (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Frank Corvin | Clint Eastwood |
Hawk Hawkins | Tommy Lee Jones |
Jerry O`Neill | Donald Sutherland |
Tank Sullivan | James Garner |
Bob Gerson | James Cromwell |
Sara Holland | Marcia Gay Harden |
Eugene Davis | William Devane |
Ethan Glance | Loren Dean |
Roger Hines | Courtney B. Vance |
Barbara Corvin | Barbara Babcock |
General Vostov | Rade Šerbedžija |
Dr. Anne Caruthers | Blair Brown |
Capcom | James MacDonald |
Young Pilot #2 | Jon Hamm |
Young Frank | Toby Stephens |
Jason's Girlfriend | Anne Stedman |
Jay Leno | Jay Leno |
Tiny | Nils Allen Stewart |
Young Hawk | Eli Craig |
Young Jerry | John Asher |
Young Tank | Matt McColm |
Young Gerson | Billie Worley |
Mission Control Tech | Mark Thomason |
Jerry's Girlfriend | Georgia Emelin |
State Department Official | Rick Scarry |
Qualls | Tim Halligan |
Waiter | Steve Monroe |
Simsupe | Gordy Owens |
Female Astronaut #1 | Kate McNeil |
Female Astronaut #2 | Karen M. Waldron |
Male Astronaut #1 | John Linton |
JBC Security Guard | Paul Pender |
Construction Tech | Steven West |
Trajectory Engineer | Cooper Huckabee |
Boy at NASA Tour | Hayden Tank |
T-38 Pilot | Gerald Emerick |
Little Girl | Renee Olstead |
NASA Doctor | Don Michaelson |
Vice President | Steve Stapenhorst |
Teacher at NASA Tour | Lauren Cohn |
Jason | Chris Wylde |
Female Engineer | Erica Grant |
Young Museum Attendant | Kristin Quick |
Cocktail Waitress | Deborah Jolly |