Movie 'Brave'

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Change your fate.

Brave is set in the mystical Scottish Highlands, where Mérida is the princess of a kingdom ruled by King Fergus and Queen Elinor. An unruly daughter and an accomplished archer, Mérida one day defies a sacred custom of the land and inadvertently brings turmoil to the kingdom. In an attempt to set things right, Mérida seeks out an eccentric old Wise Woman and is granted an ill-fated wish. Also figuring into Mérida’s quest — and serving as comic relief — are the kingdom’s three lords: the enormous Lord MacGuffin, the surly Lord Macintosh, and the disagreeable Lord Dingwall.

United States of America English

  • a.k.a. Brave - 3D 3D version

Germany German (Deutsch)

Merida - Legende der Highlands

Merida – Legende der Highlands spielt im Schottland des 10. Jahrhunderts. König Fergus und Königin Elinor haben es nicht leicht. Ihre Tochter Merida, ein Ass im Bogenschießen, ist ein echter Wildfang und Sturkopf. In ihrem Ungestüm verletzt die Prinzessin alte Traditionen, indem sie bei einem Turnier mit ihrer Schussfertigkeit auftrumpft, die offiziellen Teilnehmer brüskiert und damit den Zorn der schottischen Lords auf sich zieht. Als sie dadurch das Königreich in ein Chaos stürzt, bittet sie eine weise alte Frau um Hilfe, die ihr einen verhängnisvollen Wunsch gewährt. Um ihre Fehler wieder gut zu machen, muss Merida lernen, was wahrer Mut bedeutet und so den Fluch aufheben, bevor es zu spät ist.

France French (Français)

  • a.k.a. Rebelle

Mérida est une archère talentueuse et la fille têtue du roi Fergus et de la reine Elinor. Déterminée à suivre son propre chemin, la jeune princesse défie une ancienne coutume chère aux seigneurs des terres. Lorsqu’elle déclenche le chaos au royaume, Mérida doit faire appel à tous ses talents et ressources (y compris ses frères triplets) pour rompre un horrible sort et découvrir le vrai sens de la bravoure.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Ribelle - The Brave

La principessa Merida è tutta suo padre e poco sua madre. Coraggiosa, audace e insofferente alle regole di corte preferisce cavalcare e tirare con l'arco piuttosto che sedere a tavola composta o curare i suoi immensi capelli rossi. Costretta a sposare uno tra i pretendenti che si scontrano per la sua mano decide di sovvertire le regole e rinnegare la tradizione, subendo la conseguente ira materna. Fuggita nei boschi per la disperazione incontra una vecchia strega che le offre un rimedio magico ai suoi problemi. Invece che acquietare i contrasti con la madre, il rimedio trasformerà quest'ultima in un orso, l'animale più odiato dal battagliero padre, quello che anni prima gli staccò una gamba.

Release Date
peace offering
rebellious daughter
turns into animal
woman director
Origin Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Companies
United States of America Walt Disney Pictures
United States of America Pixar
Release Dates
Australia Theatrical PG
New Zealand Theatrical PG
Canada Theatrical
United States of America Theatrical PG
United Kingdom Theatrical PG
Germany Theatrical 6
France French (Français): Theatrical TP
Austria Theatrical
Italy Theatrical T
United States of America Physical PG DVD & Blu-ray
TMDb 70% · 13,458 (more information on website)
IMDb 71% · 456,183 (more information on website)
Rotten Tomatoes® 78% (more information on website)
metacritic 69% (more information on website)


Merida (voice)Kelly Macdonald
Elinor (voice)Emma Thompson
Fergus (voice)Billy Connolly
The Witch (voice)Julie Walters
Lord Dingwall (voice)Robbie Coltrane
Lord MacGuffin / Young MacGuffin (voice)Kevin McKidd
Lord Macintosh (voice)Craig Ferguson
Young Merida (voice)Peigi Barker
The Crow (voice)Steve Purcell
Martin (voice)Patrick Doyle
Gordon (voice)John Ratzenberger
Maudie (voice)Sally Kinghorn
Maudie (voice)Eilidh Fraser
Young Macintosh (voice)Steven Cree
Wee Dingwall (voice)Callum O'Neill


ArtAdditional StoryboardingDerek Thompson
Art Department CoordinatorCorinne Cavallaro
Megan Bartel
Art Department ManagerDana Murray
Production DesignSteve Pilcher
SculptorGreg Dykstra
Jerome Ranft
Set DesignerArmand Baltazar
Huy K. Nguyen
Nelson 'Rey' Bohol
Paul Abadilla
Set SupervisorDerek Williams
Storyboard ArtistMaxwell Brace IV
Nathan Stanton
Nick Sung
Scott Morse
CameraCamera OperatorShawn Brennan
Director of PhotographyDanielle Feinberg
Robert Anderson
Costume & Make-UpSet Dressing ArtistKristen Needham
Yung Lian Frank Tai
CrewExecutive Music ProducerChris Montan
Legal ServicesBrynn Mohagen
C. Bart Sullivan
Jody Weinberg Silverman
Rob Rieders
Serena Martinez
Post Production AssistantJose Rosa
Post Production SupervisorPaul Cichocki
Post-Production ManagerEric Pearson
Production Office AssistantJunn Lee
Ramon Cardona
Samantha Jane Samuels
Second Film EditorDavid Suther
Torbin Xan Bullock
SecurityBryant Yu
George McCloskey
Jeffrey Worrall
Jennie Jensen
John Bennett
Joni Superticioso
Marlon Castro
Michael Phillis
Nghia Neal To
Paul Chideya
Price A. Troche Sr.
Richard Cogger
Software EngineerApurva Shah
Doug Letterman
Jim Atkinson
Joachim De Deken
Manuel Kramer
Philip Rideout
Randal Lamore
Shalin Shodhan
Shawn Neely
Supervising AnimatorAlan Barillaro
Steven Clay Hunter
Supervising Technical DirectorBill Wise
Systems Administrators & SupportHeidi Parmelee
Ling Hsu
ThanksBrian M. Rosen
Darla K. Anderson
Deanna Savant
Iain Stewart
John Walker
Jonas Rivera
Kori Rae
Lindsey Collins
Lynn Ferguson
Richard E. Hollander
Ruth Palmer
Sandy Blaine
Sharon Calahan
Wayne Piersol
DirectingCo-DirectorSteve Purcell
DirectorBrenda Chapman
Mark Andrews
Script CoordinatorRyan Lynch
Script SupervisorBrian Larsen
Shannon Wood
EditingAdditional EditingSerena Warner
Editorial CoordinatorLisa Fotheringham
Matt DeMartini
Sarah Fernbacher
Editorial ManagerAnn Brilz
Mari Aizawa
First Assistant EditorSarah K. Reimers
LightingLighting ArtistAndy Lin
Farhez Rayani
Lighting CoordinatorPiper Freeman
Lighting ManagerJenni Tsoi
Master Lighting ArtistAirton Dittz Jr.
Brian Boyd
David Shavers
Erik Smitt
Jae Hong Kim
Jeremy Vickery
Jesse Hollander
Jonathan Pytko
Jordan Rempel
Ken Lao
Lloyd Bernberg
Luke Martorelli
Maria Yershova
Michael Sparber
Mitch Kopelman
Scott Clifford
Vandana Reddy Sahrawat
ProductionAdministrationAllysa Amundson
Bill Polson
Dennis 'D.J.' Jennings
Heather Feng
Lara Pendleton
Marguerite Enright
Meghan Benafield
Michelle Moretta
Mickayela Jade Beatty
Tanya Oskanian
Wendy Dale Tanzillo
Associate ProducerMary Alice Drumm
CastingKevin Reher
Natalie Lyon
Executive ProducerAndrew Stanton
John Lasseter
Pete Docter
FinanceAnnette Wang
Deana Walker
Heather D.C. Jackson
Jeanie Gray
Kacy Naylor
Karen Perry
Kentaro Hinoki
Kheron Jones-Kassing
Kristi Gamble
Kristina Ruud
Mark Joseph
Megan Albert
Michelle Simons
Nancy Garretson Case
Rachel Ergas
Rosana Neciuk
Shari Villarde
Stephanie Pham
Sue Williams
Timothy Glass
Valerie Hathaway
ProducerKatherine Sarafian
Production ManagerAndrea Warren
Laura Leganza Reynolds
PublicistBriana Gardner
Chris Wiggum
Deborah Coleman
Hasia Sroat
Hilary Goss
Robin Chandler
Steven Argula
SoundADR EditorCheryl Nardi
ConductorJames Shearman
Foley ArtistDennie Thorpe
Jana Vance
Foley EditorDee Selby
Sue Fox
Foley MixerFrank Rinella
Foley RecordistAndrea Gard
Music DirectorAndrew Page
Music EditorBarney Jones
Bill Abbott
Chris Benstead
Music ProgrammerRupert Cross
Music Score ProducerMaggie Rodford
Music SupervisorTom MacDougall
MusicianBryn Lewis
Christopher Stout
Jarlath Henderson
Jim Sutherland
Kyle Stuart Howie
Kyle Warren
Lorne MacDougall
Matheu Watson
Neil Percy
Willie Armstrong
Original Music ComposerPatrick Doyle
Scoring MixerAndrew Dudman
Sound DesignerE.J. Holowicki
Gary Rydstrom
Sound Effects EditorJosh Gold
Justin Pearson
Kyrsten Mate
Nia Hansen
Teresa Eckton
Sound Re-Recording MixerGary Rydstrom
Tom Johnson
Supervising Sound EditorGwendolyn Yates Whittle
Visual EffectsAnimationAaron Koressel
Allison Rutland
Andreas Procopiou
Andrew Coats
Austin Madison
Benjamin Su
Brett Coderre
Brett Schulz
Bruce Kuei
Cameron Miyasaki
Carlo Vogele
Curran W. Giddens
Dan Nguyen
Doug Dooley
Doug Frankel
Everett Downing Jr.
Guilherme Sauerbronn Jacinto
Jae Hyung Kim
Javier Moya Alonso
Jean-Claude Tran
Jessica Torres
Juan Carlos Navarro Carrión
Jude Brownbill
K. C. Roeyer
Ken Kim
Kevin Chesnos
Kristoff Vergne
Lindsay Andrus
Mark C. Harris
Matthew Strangio
Michael Wu
Michal Makarewicz
Nancy Kato
Nickolas Rosario
Ramiro Lopez Dau
Raphael Suter
Rich McKain
Robb Denovan
Royce Wesley
Stephen L. Wong
Steve Mason
Tom Zach
Victor Navone
Animation Department CoordinatorStephen Krug
Animation Fix CoordinatorCourtney Casper
Courtney Casper Kent
Animation ManagerJaclyn Simon
Character DesignerCarter Goodrich
Fix AnimatorAlon Winterstein
Andrew Beall
Catherine Hang-Hicks
Eric S. Degner
Erick Oh
Guillaume Chartier
Manuel Zenon Rodriguez
Michelle Ohana
Stefan Schumacher
Tsung-Yin Hsieh
ShadingStephen King
Simulation & Effects ArtistChristopher Griffin
David Lally
Douglas Waters
Edwin Chang
Frank Aalbers
Jim Cody Harrington
Mark Thomas Henne
Meng Yu
Olivier Soares
Rogan Griffin
Samantha Raja
Stephen Matthew Gustafson
Thomas Moser
Stereoscopic CoordinatorAlex Mandel
Christina F. Julian
VFX ArtistJason Johnston