Movie 'The Contractor'
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The mission is not what it seems.
After being involuntarily discharged from the U.S. Special Forces, James Harper decides to support his family by joining a private contracting organization alongside his best friend and under the command of a fellow veteran. Overseas on a covert mission, Harper must evade those trying to kill him while making his way back home.
German (Deutsch)
Nachdem James Harper unfreiwillig aus den US-Spezialeinheiten entlassen wurde, beschließt er, seine Familie zu unterstützen, indem er sich zusammen mit seinem besten Freund und unter dem Kommando eines anderen Veteranen einer privaten Vertragsorganisation anschließt. Auf einer verdeckten Mission im Ausland muss Harper denen ausweichen, die versuchen, ihn zu töten, während er sich auf den Weg zurück nach Hause macht.
French (Français)
Après avoir été viré des Marines, James Harper rejoint une organisation paramilitaire afin de subvenir aux besoins de sa famille. Il se rend en Pologne, avec une équipe d'élite, dans le cadre d'une mission visant à enquêter sur une menace mystérieuse. Mais Harper se retrouve seul et traqué, au beau milieu de l'Europe de l'Est. Il va devoir se battre, pour rester en vie suffisamment longtemps, afin de découvrir les motivations de ceux qui l'ont trahi.
Italian (Italiano)
Dopo essere stato involontariamente congedato dalle forze speciali statunitensi, James Harper decide di mandare avanti la famiglia unendosi a un'organizzazione privata guidata da un collega veterano. In missione segreta all'estero, Harper dovrà sfuggire a coloro che cercheranno di ucciderlo nel tentativo di tornare a casa.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- airborne ranger
- army veteran
- berlin, germany
- best friend
- betrayal
- black ops
- covert mission
- debt
- ex military
- ex special forces
- family man
- military discharge
- mission
- national security
- private contractor
- reconnaissance
- terrorist threat
- veteran
- Genres
- Action
- Thriller
- Languages
- English
- Origin Countries
- United States of America
- Production Countries
- United Kingdom
- United States of America
- Production Companies
- Thunder Road
- 30WEST
- STXfilms
- Ingenious Media
- Icon Films
- Release Dates
- Digital U
- Theatrical (limited) R
- Digital R
- Theatrical 16
- Digital 15 Prime Video
- Theatrical MA15+
- Physical R
- Physical 16
- Ratings
- TMDb 63% · 905 (more information on website)
- IMDb 58% · 31,345 (more information on website)
- metacritic 52% (more information on website)