Jackie Chan

  • a.k.a. 成龙
  • 成龍
  • 陈港生
  • 房仕龙
  • جاكي شان
  • ジャッキー・チェン
  • Κονγκ-Σανγκ Τσαν
  • Τζάκι Τσαν
  • Yuen Lo No
  • Thành Long
  • Yuen Lung Chen
  • Jackie Chan Kong-Sang
  • جکی چان
  • 元楼
  • Chen Lung
  • جکی چن

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Jackie Chan (Chinese: 成龍; born 7 April 1954), Chan Kong-sang, is a Hong Kong actor, action choreographer, filmmaker, comedian, producer, martial artist, screenwriter, entrepreneur, singer and stunt performer. In his movies, he is known for his acrobatic fighting style, comic timing, use of improvised weapons, and innovative stunts. Jackie Chan has been acting since the 1970s and has appeared in over 100 films. Chan has received stars on the Hong Kong Avenue of Stars and the Hollywood Walk of Fame. As a cultural icon, Chan has been referenced in various pop songs, cartoons, and video games. Chan is also a Cantopop and Mandopop star, having released a number of albums and sung many of the theme songs for the films in which he has starred. Chan was born on April 7, 1954, in Victoria Peak, in the former Crown colony of Hong Kong, as Chan Kong-sang (meaning "born in Hong Kong") to Charles and Lee-Lee Chan, refugees from the Chinese Civil War. He was nicknamed Paopao (Chinese: 炮炮, literally meaning "Cannonball") because he was such a big baby, weighing 12 pounds, or about 5.4 kgs. Since his parents worked for the French Consul to Hong Kong, Chan spent his formative years within the grounds of the consul's residence in the Victoria Peak district. Chan attended the Nah-Hwa Primary School on Hong Kong Island, where he failed his first year, after which his parents withdrew him from the school. In 1960, his father immigrated to Canberra, Australia, to work as the head cook for the American embassy, and Chan was sent to the China Drama Academy, a Peking Opera School run by Master Yu Jim-yuen. Chan trained rigorously for the next decade, excelling in martial arts and acrobatics. He eventually became part of the Seven Little Fortunes, a performance group made up of the school's best students, gaining the stage name Yuen Lo in homage to his master. Chan became close friends with fellow group members Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao, the three of them later to be known as the Three Brothers or Three Dragons. At the age of 17, he worked as a stuntman in the Bruce Lee films Fist of Fury and Enter the Dragon under the stage name Chan Yuen Lung. He received his first starring role later that year, in Little Tiger of Canton, which had a limited release in Hong Kong in 1973.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Jackie Chan, MBE (* 7. April 1954 in Hongkong) ist ein hongkong-chinesischer Schauspieler, Filmproduzent, Drehbuchautor, Filmregisseur, Stuntman und Sänger. Geboren wurde er in Hongkong als Sohn von Charles und Li-Li Chan. Sein Geburtsname war Chan Kong-Sang (Pinyin Chén Gǎngshēng), was so viel bedeutet wie „der in Hongkong geborene Chan“. In der Filmindustrie von Hongkong vermarktete man Chan anfangs wie viele andere als Nachfolger von Bruce Lee, der 1973 verstorben war und dessen Tod der Filmindustrie in Hongkong einen schweren Schlag versetzt hatte. Filmemacher suchten einen neuen Bruce Lee, während sich Chan selbst aber nie als dessen Nachfolger sah. Er kreierte seinen eigenen Kampfstil, der sich durch Akrobatik und komödiantische Einlagen auszeichnet und sich so von Bruce Lees auf Ernsthaftigkeit beruhendem Stil wesentlich unterscheidet. Im November 2016 wurde ihm der Ehrenoscar für sein Lebenswerk zuerkannt. Quelle: Wikipedia

France French (Français)

Jackie Chan , né Chan Kong-sang le 7 avril 1954 à Hong Kong, est un acteur, chanteur, cascadeur, scénariste, réalisateur et producteur chinois. Spécialiste en arts martiaux, il est mondialement reconnu dans les domaines du kung fu et des films d'action. Dans ses films, il est connu pour son style de combat acrobatique, son sens de l'humour, son utilisation d'armes improvisées et ses cascades innovantes. Depuis les années 1970, il est apparu dans plus d'une centaine de films. Il a reçu une étoile à l'avenue du Hollywood Walk of Fame et l'Avenue des stars à Hong Kong. En tant qu'icône culturelle, il a été mentionné dans diverses chansons pop, dessins animés et jeux vidéo. En plus d'être acteur, il s'est également essayé à la chanson dans les genres cantopop et mandopop, notamment sur le thème de ses films. En 2008, il a chanté lors de la cérémonie de clôture des Jeux olympiques. Jackie Chan est également un homme d'affaires qui utilise son image dans différents domaines (ligne de vêtements, chaîne de cinémas, etc.). Il possède également sa propre société de production de films, JCE Movies Limited, qui produit notamment ses films. Il est en outre un important philanthrope, en dédiant une partie des bénéfices qu'il tire de ses activités commerciales à des œuvres caritatives, notamment par le biais de ses deux fondations.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Jackie Chan (cinese: 成龍), nato Chan Kong-sang (che significa "nato a Hong Kong") , è un attore, coreografo d'azione, regista, comico, produttore, artista marziale, sceneggiatore, imprenditore, cantante e stuntman di Hong Kong. Nei suoi film, è noto per il suo stile di combattimento acrobatico, il tempismo comico, l'uso di armi improvvisate e le acrobazie innovative. Jackie Chan recita dagli anni '70 ed è apparso in oltre 100 film. Chan è stato onorato con una stella sulla Hong Kong Avenue of Stars e sulla Hollywood Walk of Fame. Come icona culturale, Chan è stato citato in varie canzoni pop, cartoni animati e videogiochi. Chan è anche una star di Cantopop e Mandopop, avendo pubblicato numerosi album e cantato molte delle sigle dei film in cui ha recitato. Chan è nato il 7 aprile 1954 a Victoria Peak, nell'ex colonia della Corona di Hong Kong, da Charles e Lee-Lee Chan, rifugiati della guerra civile cinese . Era soprannominato Paopao (cinese: 炮炮, che letteralmente significa "palla di cannone") perché era un bambino così grande che pesava circa 5,4 kg. Dal momento che i suoi genitori lavoravano per il console francese a Hong Kong, Chan trascorse i suoi anni formativi all'interno della residenza del console nel distretto di Victoria Peak. Chan ha frequentato la Nah-Hwa Primary School sull'isola di Hong Kong, dove è stato bocciato il primo anno, dopo di che i suoi genitori lo hanno ritirato dalla scuola. Nel 1960, suo padre emigrò a Canberra, in Australia, per lavorare come capo cuoco per l'ambasciata americana, e Chan fu inviato alla China Drama Academy, una scuola dell'opera di Pechino gestita dal maestro Yu Jim-yuen. Chan si è allenato rigorosamente per il decennio successivo, eccellendo nelle arti marziali e nelle acrobazie. Alla fine entrò a far parte dei Seven Little Fortunes, un gruppo di spettacoli composto dai migliori studenti della scuola, guadagnando il nome d'arte Yuen Lo in omaggio al suo maestro. Chan divenne amico intimo dei membri del gruppo Sammo Hung e Yuen Biao, i tre in seguito conosciuti come i Tre Fratelli o Tre Draghi. All'età di 17 anni, ha lavorato come stuntman nei film di Bruce Lee "Fist of Fury" e "Enter the Dragon" sotto il nome d'arte di Chan Yuen Lung. Ha ricevuto il suo primo ruolo da protagonista nello stesso anno, in Little Tiger of Canton, che ha avuto un rilascio limitato a Hong Kong nel 1973.

Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Victoria Peak, Hong Kong



CharacterMovie / TV ShowGenresReleaseRating
Quan Ngoc MinhThe Foreigner70% · 2,685
Monkey (voice)Kung Fu Panda 270% · 7,317
Monkey (voice)Kung Fu Panda73% · 11,797
Yan Naing LeeRush Hour 365% · 3,366
General Meng Yi / Dr. Jack Chan神話
The Myth
63% · 375
Eddie YangThe Medallion56% · 1,103
Chon WangShanghai Knights61% · 2,281
Jimmy TongThe Tuxedo57% · 1,983
Yan Naing LeeRush Hour 267% · 4,189
Chon WangShanghai Noon64% · 2,558
LeeRush Hour70% · 5,087
Jackie / Asian Hawk / Condor飛鷹計劃
Operation Condor
73% · 563
Sergeant Chan Ka-Kui警察故事續集
Police Story 2
70% · 545
Sergeant 'Kevin' Chan Ka-Kui警察故事
Police Story
75% · 902


DepartmentJobMovie / TV ShowGenresReleaseRating
CrewChoreographerShanghai Knights61% · 2,281
Martial Arts Choreographer神話
The Myth
63% · 375
Operation Condor
73% · 563
Police Story 2
70% · 545
Police Story
75% · 902
Stunt CoordinatorRush Hour70% · 5,087
Operation Condor
73% · 563
Police Story 2
70% · 545
Police Story
75% · 902
ProductionExecutive Producer神話
The Myth
63% · 375
The Medallion56% · 1,103
Shanghai Knights61% · 2,281
Shanghai Noon64% · 2,558
ProducerThe Foreigner70% · 2,685
Operation Condor
73% · 563
SoundTheme Song Performance飛鷹計劃
Operation Condor
73% · 563
Police Story 2
70% · 545
Police Story
75% · 902
Operation Condor
73% · 563
Police Story 2
70% · 545
Police Story
75% · 902
All credits on TMDb.org.