The Walking Dead · Episode 9x1 'A New Beginning'

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Rick and his group make a risky run into Washington, D.C. to search for artifacts they will need to build the civilization he and Carl envisioned.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Ein neuer Anfang

Die Suche nach wichtigen Hilfsmitteln, die den Aufbau einer funktionierenden Zivilisation garantieren sollen, führt Rick und die Überlebenden nach Washington D.C.

France French (Français)

Un nouveau départ

Après la fin du conflit avec les Sauveurs et Negan, Rick et ses amis de la Colline veulent se rendre à Washington.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Un nuovo inizio

Rick e il suo gruppo organizzano una spedizione a Washington DC in cerca di materiali per dare il via al tipo di futuro che lui e Carol sperano di creare.

First Aired
TMDb 78% · 106 (more information on website)
IMDb 74% · 10,938 (more information on website)


Rick GrimesAndrew Lincoln
Maggie GreeneLauren Cohan
Daryl DixonNorman Reedus
Michonne HawthorneDanai Gurira
Negan SmithJeffrey Dean Morgan
Carol PeletierMelissa McBride
AlphaSamantha Morton
Rosita EspinosaChristian Serratos
Gabriel StokesSeth Gilliam
AaronRoss Marquand
Eugene PorterJosh McDermitt
Ezekiel SuttonKhary Payton
Tara ChamblerAlanna Masterson
EnidKatelyn Nacon
Jesus RoviaTom Payne

Guest Stars


DirectingDirectorGreg Nicotero
SoundSound Re-Recording MixerBen Wilkins
Supervising Sound EditorBen Wilkins