Modern Family · Episode 10x12 'Blasts from the Past'
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Phil and Claire decide to take a cycling tour through Italy before they become grandparents, and Dylan introduces them to his mom who has an interesting past. Meanwhile, Cameron and Mitchell discover some interesting reading material in Lily’s room and decide to confront her about it, while Gloria and Jay discover their respective great uncles may have fought on opposing sides of a war.
German (Deutsch)
Phil und Claire treffen Dylans Mutter. Manny und Gloria stellen Nachforschungen zu Jays Onkel an. Cam und Mitchell entdecken überraschenden Lesestoff in Lilys Zimmer.
German (Deutsch)
Phil und Claire wollen eine Radtour durch Italien machen, bevor sie Großeltern werden. Gloria und Jay finden heraus, dass ihre Großväter im selben Krieg kämpften – auf unterschiedlichen Seiten.
German (Deutsch)
Phil und Claire treffen Dylans Mutter. Manny und Gloria stellen Nachforschungen zu Jays Onkel an. Cam und Mitchell entdecken überraschenden Lesestoff in Lilys Zimmer.
French (Français)
La mère de Dylan rencontre pour la première fois Phil et Claire qui savent qu'ils la connaissent mais ne savent plus où ils l'ont rencontrée. Pendant ce temps, Mitchell et Cameron découvrent un magazine érotique dans la chambre de Lilly. Jay et Gloria s'interrogent sur leurs grands-oncles respectifs et sur les rôles qu'ils jouaient pendant la guerre. Manny essaie de recoller les morceaux avec une ancienne relation.
Italian (Italiano)
La madre di Dylan, Farrah, si trasferisce a casa Dunphy e Claire, rivedendo in lei sua madre, entra in crisi ma Phil riesce a calmarla; nel frattempo Mitchell e Cam scoprono che entrambi guardano altri uomini ma si rendono conto che ciò va solo a vantaggio della loro intesa di coppia. Jay, infine, dopo aver scoperto che un suo prozio non era l'eroe di guerra che credeva, lascia che Joe si travesta per una recita scolastica come il prozio di Gloria (anch'egli un millantatore) per far godere al figlio la stessa gioia che ha provato lui.
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 68% · 9 (more information on website)
- IMDb 67% · 1,474 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Jay Pritchett | Ed O'Neill |
Gloria Delgado-Pritchett | Sofía Vergara |
Claire Dunphy | Julie Bowen |
Phil Dunphy | Ty Burrell |
Mitchell Pritchett | Jesse Tyler Ferguson |
Cameron Tucker | Eric Stonestreet |
Haley Dunphy | Sarah Hyland |
Alex Dunphy | Ariel Winter |
Luke Dunphy | Nolan Gould |
Manny Delgado | Rico Rodriguez |
Lily Tucker-Pritchett | Aubrey Anderson-Emmons |
Joe Pritchett | Jeremy Maguire |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
Dylan Marshall | Reid Ewing |
Janice | London Fuller |
Betty | Sedona Fuller |
Farrah Marshall | Rachel Bay Jones |
Gretchen | Josie Kaye |
Gym Trainer | Bryan Lillis |
Department | Job | Person |
Directing | Director | Fred Savage |
Writing | Writer | Stephen Lloyd |
Vali Chandrasekaran |