Monk · Episode 2x14 'Mr. Monk and the Captain's Wife'

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On her way to film a documentary (apparently about a union dispute), Captain Stottlemeyer's wife, Karen, is badly injured when her car is struck by a tow truck whose nonunion driver has been killed by a sniper. Distraught and furious, the captain blames a sleazy union official and his thug, a theory that seems to be confirmed when a second tow truck driver is murdered. But Lieutenant Disher, in charge of the crime scene investigation, discovers an odd detail that doesn't fit well with this scenario – both the assailant and the murdered truck driver were barefoot. Empathizing with the captain's anguish, Monk offers to do whatever he can to help and of course ends up investigating the case. A small dog that follows Sharona from the crime scene leads her to the home of a handsome man who seems attracted to her, but Monk is more interested in the next-door neighbor's off-kilter sundial. Meanwhile, the captain, fearing that his wife will die, becomes increasingly violent, taking out his anger...

Germany German (Deutsch)

Mr. Monk und die Frau des Captains

Bei einem aus dem Ruder gelaufenen Gewerkschaftsstreit wird Captain Stottlemeyers Frau in einen Unfall verwickelt und schwer verletzt. Monk soll herausfinden, was wirklich vorgefallen ist, und so verhindern, dass Stottlemeyer sich vergisst.

France French (Français)

Monk et la femme du Capitaine

Karen Stottlemeyer, l'épouse du capitaine, est victime d'un accident. Monk est persuadé qu'il s'agit en fait d'une agression.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Il signor Monk e la moglie del capitano

Un autista di un camion rimorchio viene ucciso da un cecchino su strada, il camion sbanda e si schianta contro la macchina di Karen, la moglie del capitano Stottlemeyer lasciandola in coma. Monk e il capitano indagano per trovare il cecchino.

First Aired
TMDb 75% · 11 (more information on website)
IMDb 81% · 1,345 (more information on website)


Adrian MonkTony Shalhoub
Leland StottlemeyerTed Levine
Randall DisherJason Gray-Stanford
Sharona FlemingBitty Schram

Guest Stars

Karen StottlemeyerGlenne Headly
Harry BolstonGeoff Pierson
Evan CokerDaniel Goddard
Jared StottlemeyerJesse James
DetectiveRick Ravanello
Dr. MauldingRif Hutton
MorrisJayden Lund
RonnieLonnie Colón
Dr. Charles KrogerStanley Kamel
Max StottlemeyerConnor Carmody
Cranky NeighborIleane Meltzer
50's WaitressMarcy McCusker
SFP Detective (uncredited)Vladimir Rajčić
Frank WicksPaul Gutrecht


DirectingDirectorJerry Levine