Monk · Episode 2x15 'Mr. Monk Gets Married'
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After a phone call from Lt. Disher, Monk and Sharona find him in Captain Stottlemeyer's office, drinking Scotch to console himself because his 58-year-old mother has married a 37-year-old antique dealer he's sure is up to no good. The con man, Dalton Padron, has taken his aging bride to a marriage counseling clinic for their honeymoon, and Sharona persuades Monk that the best way to catch him is to pose as husband and wife and join him at the clinic. In a group therapy session, Sharona accuses Padron of winking at her and, in the scuffle that follows, snatches an old letter from his jacket pocket. The letter confirms their suspicions: Padron is after the gold that was stashed away 150 years earlier by the crazy old prospector who once owned the house. Padron later grabs the letter and burns it, but not before Monk and Sharona discover that the secret is somewhere in the hundreds of journals that the old man wrote before he died. Early the next morning, Sharona follows Padron into an ol
German (Deutsch)
Monk muss mit Sharona eine Scheinehe eingehen, um einem Betrüger das Handwerk zu legen.
French (Français)
Un trafiquant d'objets anciens de San Francisco trouve un écrit du XIXe siècle révélant l'existence d'un trésor caché. Alors qu'il réfléchit au moyen de s'emparer de ce magot, son associé, Dalton, l'assassine. Or, ce dernier doit, quelque jours plus tard, épouser la mère du lieutenant Disher.
Italian (Italiano)
Il tenente Disher, che ha dei dubbi sul matrimonio di sua madre con un uomo molto più giovane di lei, chiede ad Adrien e alla sua assistente Sharona di aiutarlo a verificare se l'uomo davvero ama sua madre. Il primo elemento sospetto è il fatto che, subito dopo le nozze, il giovane marito ha convinto sua moglie dell'esistenza di problemi nel loro matrimonio: la coppia si è iscritta a un corso terapeutico per la cura dei problemi matrimoniali tenuto da un'associazione la cui sede è in una casa che era proprietà di un cacciatore di oro del periodo della febbre dell'oro negli Stati Uniti.
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 77% · 10 (more information on website)
- IMDb 80% · 1,510 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Adrian Monk | Tony Shalhoub |
Leland Stottlemeyer | Ted Levine |
Randall Disher | Jason Gray-Stanford |
Sharona Fleming | Bitty Schram |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
Dalton Padron | Nestor Carbonell |
Rachel Sweeney | Jessica Lundy |
Joshua Skinner | William Sanderson |
Jeffrey Sweeney | Patrick Breen |
Sheriff Ronald Mathis | Jim Beaver |
Dr. Julie Waterford | Jane Lynch |
Raymond Toliver | Michael Ensign |
Toliver's Landlord | Jim Lau |
Maria Disher | Susan Kellermann |
Department | Job | Person |
Directing | Director | Craig Zisk |
Writing | Writer | David Breckman |