Monk · Episode 3x1 'Mr. Monk Takes Manhattan'

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Monk and his friends go to New York City to discover the connection between Trudy's murder and Warrick Tennyson, whose name was given to Monk by Dale the Whale in last season's cliffhanger, ""Mr. Monk Goes to Jail."" As they're checking into their hotel, mayhem breaks out in the lobby and three people are killed, including the Latvian ambassador to the United Nations. Monk quickly discovers that the ambassador's coat is wet--an odd detail because minutes earlier he was standing near Monk in a dry coat. Monk provides a police sketch artist with minute details about the perpetrator's left ear--the only part of his face that wasn't covered--and Stottlemeyer pressures the New York police captain to allow them access to Tennyson in exchange for their help in the new case. However, the DA, for reasons of her own, is blocking their access to Tennyson, and only after Stottlemeyer ""borrows"" the keys to the captain's office and pulls out the file that he saw Captain Cage hurriedly stuff into the b

Germany German (Deutsch)

Mr. Monk in Manhattan

Monk reist nach New York, um den Tod seiner Frau zu untersuchen. Dabei muss er sich auf einen Kuhhandel mit der Polizei einlassen und den Mord an einem ausländischen Botschafter aufklären.

France French (Français)

Monk à New York

Dans le cadre d'une enquête, Monk se retrouve à New York en compagnie de Sharona, Stottlemeyer et Disher. Malheureusement, à peine arrivés à leur hôtel, l'ambassadeur de la Lettonie se fait assassiner dans l'ascenseur. Les autorités policières new-yorkaises acceptent de les laisser voir le témoin qu'ils sont venus interroger à condition que Monk résolve cette affaire.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Il signor Monk conquista Manhattan

Monk e i suoi amici si recano a Manhattan per rintracciare una persona che potrebbe avere delle informazioni importanti sulla morte di Trudy. Mentre si trova a New York, però, il Detective viene coinvolto in un altro caso di omicidio.

First Aired
TMDb 75% · 10 (more information on website)
IMDb 81% · 1,304 (more information on website)


Adrian MonkTony Shalhoub
Leland StottlemeyerTed Levine
Randall DisherJason Gray-Stanford

Guest Stars

Sharona FlemingBitty Schram
Captain Walter CageMykelti Williamson
Warrick TennysonFrank Collison
Masul the CabbieAjay Naidu
Woman on TrainTonye Patano
Elmer GratnikOlek Krupa
Ambassador of LatviaDmitri S. Boudrine
Steven LeightJeffrey Dean Morgan
Vladimir KazinskyVincent Riotta
Police Sketch ArtistRobert Dassie
Second DetectiveTony Colitti
Hotel ClerkMax Perlman
Coat Check GirlLorin Shapiro
Latvian OpponentAlbert Makhtsier
Transit CopJohn Scurti
Uniform CopSam Vance
Three Card Monte DealerK.C. Ramsey
Street PreacherStu 'Large' Riley
Little Girl SkaterLydia Jordan
Female CustomerPatricia Skeriotis
BusboyTalon Ellithorpe
NurseLinda Klein
Homeless ManMike Bocchetti
Irate N.Y.C. Resident (uncredited)Douglas J. Aguirre
Spectator at card game (uncredited)Andy Breckman
Skater #3 (uncredited)Myra Brown
New York Detective (uncredited)Marc De'Antone
Tourist (uncredited)Michael Emery
Skater #1 (uncredited)Roy Farfel
Three Card Monte Dealer #2 (uncredited)Eli Harris
Leaflet Man (uncredited)Rob Munk
Subway Rider (uncredited)Chris Sabella
Ice Skater (uncredited)Lisa Sample
Skater #2 (uncredited)Apollo Smile
Bikini Model (uncredited)Monika Spruch
Con Edison Worker (uncredited)Michael Tenaglia
Bar Patron (uncredited)Shannan Leigh Yancsurak


DirectingDirectorRandall Zisk
ProductionExecutive ProducerTony Shalhoub