Monk · Episode 3x2 'Mr. Monk and the Panic Room'

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In yet another case of murder in a room locked from the inside, a music producer is found dead with bullets in his back, head. and chest, clearly neither an accident nor a suicide. But this time there's a further twist: the dead man's pet chimpanzee, Darwin, is caught with the murder weapon in his hand. Not wanting to make a monkey of himself by falsely accusing a chimpanzee of murder, Stottlemeyer takes the chimp into the interrogation room, tempting the animal to fire what he thinks is an empty gun. Meanwhile, Disher realizes that he's inadvertently given the captain a loaded gun and panic ensues. When the gun goes off, endangering not only Stottlemeyer but Disher, Monk, and Sharona as well, Stottlemeyer is persuaded that the chimp is guilty and is ready to allow animal control to put him to sleep. Sharona, however, is convinced that Darwin is innocent. In desperation, Sharona resorts to breaking and entering to rescue Darwin, persuading the most unlikely person imaginable to take hi

Germany German (Deutsch)

Mr. Monk und der Affe

Ein reicher Musikproduzent wird tot in seinem Panic Room aufgefunden. Monk muss entscheiden, ob der ungewöhnliche Verdächtige wirklich den Mord begangen hat. Mit Carmen Electra.

France French (Français)

Monk et le chimpanzé

Ian Blackburn, un producteur de disques, est retrouvé mort dans son appartement alors qu'il travaillait sur des chansons destinées à son épouse, une star de musique pop. Lorsque la police arrive sur les lieux, elle assiste à une scène pour le moins incroyable. Darwin, le chimpanzé de la victime, couvert de sang, se tient près de son maître, un revolver à la main. Stottlemeyer et Disher sont contraints de soupçonner l'animal de meurtre mais ils demandent bientôt l'aide de Monk afin qu'il mène sa propre enquête et découvre si le chimpanzé est bien l'auteur du drame.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Il signor Monk e la stanza del panico

Una simpatica scimmietta sembra implicata nell'omicidio di un produttore discografico.

First Aired
TMDb 68% · 10 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Adrian MonkTony Shalhoub
Leland StottlemeyerTed Levine
Randall DisherJason Gray-Stanford

Guest Stars

Sharona FlemingBitty Schram
Chloe BlackburnCarmen Electra
Ian BlackburnStewart Finlay-McLennan
Kurt WolffBrad Hawkins
Benjy FlemingKane Ritchotte
Dr. Charles KrogerStanley Kamel
Officer Landay (uncredited)Mills Pierre
Leo NavarroWillie Garson
Female Control OfficerSamantha Quan
Male Control OfficerRoss Mackenzie
First CopTony Franchitto
Second CopBeau Dremann
Uniform CopScott DeFoe
Darwin the ChimpMowgli


DirectingDirectorJerry Levine