Monk · Episode 4x12 'Mr. Monk and the Captain's Marriage'

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During the investigation of a murder in a junkyard, Captain Stottlemeyer punches a cop named Ryan Sharkey, who claims to be having an affair with the captain's wife, Karen. The only witness to the murder, a homeless man named Gerald or Jerry, has disappeared, but Stottlemeyer suspects businessman Michael Karpov, who is facing charges for money laundering and had a motive for killing the victim, who was scheduled to testify against him. Removed from the case and ordered to take anger management classes, Stottlemeyer asks Monk and Natalie to follow his wife, whom he suspects of lying about her whereabouts. They discover Karen having lunch with a man but are only able to photograph him from the back before being interrupted. Meanwhile, the homeless witness has been stunned and thrown from the third floor of a building but survives the fall, thanks to a corrugated refrigerator carton. Disher places Karpov in a line-up otherwise composed of police officers, including Sharkey, but Stottlemeyer, still enraged at Sharkey, disrupts the line-up before the procedure has been completed. An apple provides the clue that Monk needs to solve the murder case, and Karen reveals the identity of the mystery man she had lunch with. Unfortunately for the captain, it isn't Sharkey.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Mr. Monk und das Geheimnis einer Ehe

Captain Stottlemeyer muss zum Anti-Aggressionstraining, weil er einen Polizisten geschlagen hat. Doch schließlich will der ein Verhältnis mit der Frau des Captains haben.

France French (Français)

Monk et le mari trompé

Alors qu'ils se trouvent sur les lieux d'un meurtre, le capitaine Stottlemeyer donne un coup de poing à un policier nommé Ryan Sharkey qui prétend être l'amant de sa femme, Karen. Le seul témoin du drame, un sans-abri, a disparu mais Stottlemeyer soupçonne l'homme d'affaires Michael Karpov, soupçonné de blanchir de l'argent, d'avoir assassiné la victime qui s'apprêtait à témoigner contre lui. Relevé de l'affaire, Stottlemeyer demande à Monk et Natalie de suivre sa femme qu'il soupçonne de lui mentir. Ils découvrent, en effet, que Karen a un déjeuner avec un homme. Par ailleurs, le témoin du meurtre a été assommé et jeté du troisième étage d'un immeuble mais a survécu à sa chute.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Il signor Monk e il matrimonio del capitano

Stottlemeyer perde le staffe con uno dei suoi poliziotti mentre sta indagando su un omicidio avvenuto in un rottamaio. Egli pensa che sua moglie lo tradisca con l'ufficiale di Polizia e per questo chiede aiuto a Monk.

First Aired
TMDb 64% · 7 (more information on website)
IMDb 77% · 1,135 (more information on website)


Adrian MonkTony Shalhoub
Leland StottlemeyerTed Levine
Randall DisherJason Gray-Stanford
Natalie TeegerTraylor Howard

Guest Stars

PeterMichael Bower
Ryan SharkeyNicky Katt
Little GirlKerris Dorsey
Michael KarpovMisha Collins
Karen StottlemeyerGlenne Headly
Gerald VengalBob Clendenin
Dr. BradleyKitty Swink
Det. Prichert (uncredited)Rafael Feldman
Mr. HoffmanJohn Hartmann
DetectiveAsante Jones
NurseCheryl Hawker
Security GuardPaul Francis Sullivan
Teddy KarpovReid Harris
Shopper (uncredited)Andy Arness
Security Guard (uncredited)Scott Conte
Shopper (uncredited)Zachary Culbertson
Shopper (uncredited)Chris Krauser
Suburban Shopper (uncredited)David Alan Poe
ChicletBranden Morgan
ChickletBranden Morgan


DirectingDirectorPhilip Casnoff