Monk · Episode 8x11 'Mr. Monk and the Dog'

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Monk reluctantly adopts a dog while looking into the suspicious disappearance of its owner.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Mr. Monk kommt auf den Hund

Widerwillig nimmt sich Monk eines Hundes an, dessen Besitzer auf verdächtige Weise verschwunden ist.

France French (Français)

Monk a du chien

Monk adopte un chien à contrecœur alors qu’il enquête sur la disparition suspecte de son propriétaire.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Il signor Monk e il cane

Stottlemeyer convoca Monk per indagare sulla scomparsa di un'artista, Amanda Castle. Quando arrivano a casa della donna, però, scoprono che questa aveva un cane che ora rischia di essere soppresso. Natalie, allora, propone a Monk di prenderlo in custodia temporanea e il detective, nonostante un'iniziale titubanza, accetta. Inaspettatamente, il cane gli fornirà la soluzione per il caso.

First Aired
TMDb 77% · 6 (more information on website)
IMDb 85% · 1,315 (more information on website)


Adrian MonkTony Shalhoub
Leland StottlemeyerTed Levine
Randall DisherJason Gray-Stanford
Natalie TeegerTraylor Howard

Guest Stars

Steve DeWittWallace Langham
Samantha AustinDenise Dowse
Amanda CastleMarguerite Moreau
Gwen DeWittSuzanne Ford
Animal Control OfficerEddie Pepitone
Anne MarieSierra McCormick
FatherCantrell Harris
VeterinarianDiane Behrens
Cooking UncleKarl Herlinger
BarryKaylan Bolton
Aunt TeresaLiza Seneca
Croquet Girl (uncredited)Jordan Olivia Bell
David (uncredited)Kylan Bolton
Tug of War Girl (uncredited)Ellalyn Haile
Officer White (uncredited)Mohammad Kavianpour
Croquet Man (uncredited)Jeremy Murray


DirectingDirectorDavid Breckman