Alias · Episode 4x15 'Pandora'

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In an attempt to talk to Sydney, Katya Derevko deliberately poisons herself and is temporally taken out from her cell. Once Nadia tells her sister about this, Sydney visits her aunt to tell her to stay away from Nadia. However, Katya unsettles Sydney by telling her that someone framed her mother as a means of getting her killed. Sydney sets off in search of the truth behind this story. Meanwhile, Vaughn becomes a rogue agent by getting involved with the people who might know his father's whereabouts. In the end, he and Sydney find out that the man behind these two plots is no other than A. Sloane. However, things are not exactly as they seem to be.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Um mit Syndey sprechen zu können, vergiftet sich Katya Derevko. Zur Behandlung wird sie aus ihrer Gefängniszelle gebracht. Schon kurz darauf stattet Sydney der Frau einen Besuch ab und erfährt dabei einiges über ihre Mutter. Währenddessen versucht Vaughn immer noch, die Wahrheit über seinen Vater herauszufinden. Anscheinend hat Sloane etwas mit der Sache zu tun.

France French (Français)

Haute voltige

A la suite de sa dernière mission, Vaughn disparaît avec la bobine de conversion. N'ayant pas confiance en Sloane, il préfère faire cavalier seul et utiliser l'engin pour obtenir des informations sur son père. Il retrouve son contact à Paris ... Nadia rend visite à sa tante, Katya, emprisonnée au centre de détention de Quantico. Celle-ci se sert de sa jeune nièce pour obliger Sydney à lui parler ... Sloane tente de convaincre Sydney de prévenir APO dès qu'elle saura où se trouve Vaughn ...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Tramite zia Katya, Sydney scopre alcune verità scioccanti sul conto della madre. Vaughn si mette in una posizione pericolosa quando, con una squadra, collabora al furto di un manuale di Rambaldi per poter avere nuove informazioni riguardanti suo padre. Marshall si pone alcune domande circa la salute di Jack e, senza farglielo sapere, sottopone l'uomo ad alcune analisi.

First Aired
TMDb 77% · 7 (more information on website)
IMDb 76% · 398 (more information on website)


Sydney BristowJennifer Garner
Michael VaughnMichael Vartan
Jack BristowVictor Garber
Arvin SloaneRon Rifkin
Marcus DixonCarl Lumbly
Marshall FlinkmanKevin Weisman
Eric WeissGreg Grunberg

Guest Stars

SabinaIzabella Scorupco
Another Mr. SloaneJoel Grey
Katya DerevkoIsabella Rossellini
VogelMichael Ensign


DirectingDirectorKevin Hooks