Hawaii Five-0 · Episode 9x11 'Hala I Ke Ala O’i’ole Mai (Gone on The Road From Which There is no Returning)'

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Steve and Catherine are still reeling from the murder of one of their ohana and, along with Danny, Junior and some old friends, Harry Langford and Wade Gutches, hunt down the killer. Also, Tani and Grover investigate when a bag of human bones, discovered inside an abandoned storage locker, goes missing.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Der Anfang vom Ende

Nach Joe Whites Tod schottet sich McGarrett in Montana vollkommen ab. Danny reist ebenfalls aufs Festland und stellt fest, dass Steve und Catherine Rollins bereits Tatverdächtige in Whites Fall verhört haben. In Hawaii versuchen Grover, Tani und Adam das Geheimnis eines Sacks voller menschlicher Knochen zu lösen, der spurlos verschwunden ist.

France French (Français)

Hala I Ke Ala O’i’ole Mai (Parti sur la route d'où il n'y a pas de retour en arrière)

Danny rejoint McGarrett dans le Montana après qu'il soit parti suite à la mort de son ami, Joe White. Pendant ce temps sur l'île, le reste de l'équipe enquête sur un sac d'os retrouvé dans un casier.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Sulla strada senza ritorno

Ancora scossi per la morte del loro amico, Steve e Catherine (Michelle Borth), insieme a Danny, Junior, alcuni vecchi colleghi, Harry Langford (Chris Vance) e Wade Gutches (David Keith) danno la caccia all’assassino. Intanto, Tani e Grover indagano sulla scomparsa di una borsa contenente ossa umane custodita in un box abbandonato all’interno di un deposito.

First Aired
TMDb 60% · 2 (more information on website)
IMDb 79% · 458 (more information on website)


Steve McGarrettAlex O'Loughlin
Danny 'Danno' WilliamsScott Caan
Adam NoshimuriIan Anthony Dale
Tani ReyMeaghan Rath
Junior ReignsBeulah Koale
Duke LukelaDennis Chun
Dr. Noelani CunhaKimee Balmilero
Lou GroverChi McBride
Kamekona TupuolaTaylor Wily
Jerry OrtegaJorge Garcia

Guest Stars

Catherine RollinsMichelle Borth
Wade GutchesDavid Keith
Harry LangfordChris Vance
GreerRochelle Aytes
Omar HassanBen Youcef
Lucia BamaKristen Dalton
Bryan LeeJunot Lee
Ben LeeKevin Young
DimitriTheo Coumbis
Tyler SaylesNicholas B. Gianforti
WifeYasmin Dar
Gregers ThomsenAndrew Grant
ManagerHarold K. Bayang
Detective Vatsana BokeoChristine Umipeg
BankerSandra Lebat
5-Year-Old SonGianluca Fasi
Guard #1Joe Phanphengdy


DirectingDirectorCarl Weathers