Suits · Episode 8x1 'Right-Hand Man'

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Following the merger, Harvey and Zane grapple over who should lead the firm. Louis tasks Katrina with culling the herd, but doesn't like her decision. Donna helps her see beyond the numbers.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Die rechte Hand

In der neu fusionierten Kanzlei gibt es einen Interessenkonflikt zwischen zwei Mandanten. Harvey und Robert Zane setzen jeweils ihre rechte Hand, Alex und Samantha, ein, um den Konflikt zu lösen und zu bestimmen, wer von ihnen geschäftsführender Partner wird.

France French (Français)

Lourde est la tête qui porte la couronne

Au moment de la fusion de leurs entreprises respectives, Harvey et Robert se disputent la direction. Pendant ce temps, Katrina voit une opportunité d’évoluer, mais une demande de Louis pose problème.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Il braccio destro

A seguito della fusione, Harvey e Zane sono alle prese con chi dovrebbe guidare l'azienda. Louis incarica Katrina di abbattere la mandria, ma non le piace la sua decisione. Donna l'aiuta a vedere oltre i numeri.

First Aired
TMDb 66% · 19 (more information on website)
IMDb 72% · 1,794 (more information on website)


Harvey SpecterGabriel Macht
Louis LittRick Hoffman
Donna PaulsenSarah Rafferty
Katrina BennettAmanda Schull
Alex WilliamsDulé Hill
Samantha WheelerKatherine Heigl

Guest Stars

Robert ZaneWendell Pierce
Jeremy StillerJoe Cobden
BridgetTina Jung
Brian AltmanJake Epstein


CrewStunt DoubleStephannie Hawkins
DirectingDirectorChristopher Misiano
EditingEditorDan Rovetto