The X-Files · Episode 7x19 'Hollywood A.D.'
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Mulder and Scully watch a movie with themselves as characters and are thoroughly disgusted at how they and their case are portrayed on the big screen. They recount how 18 months earlier they were followed around by a Hollywood producer while investigating a case concerning The Lazarus Bowl - a mythical piece of pottery reputed to have inscribed on it the words that Jesus Christ spoke when he raised Lazarus from the dead.
German (Deutsch)
Fox Mulder und Dana Scully untersuchen einen Bombenanschlag auf die Krypta der St. Christ’s Church in Washington. Dabei werden sie von einem Drehbuchautor aus Hollywood, Wayne Federman, begleitet. Die FBI-Agenten entdecken die Leiche von Micah Hoffman, der in den 60er Jahren die Leitfigur der Gegenkultur gewesen war. Als Scully die Leiche obduziert, scheint diese sich zunächst als Zombie zu entpuppen. Doch als dann Hoffman quicklebendig wieder auftaucht, eskaliert die Situation.
French (Français)
Lors d'une réunion dans les bureaux du FBI, Mulder, Scully et Skinner discutent d'une affaire : une bombe a explosé dans la crypte de l'église du cardinal O'Fallon, un homme pressenti pour devenir le premier pape américain. Un réalisateur de cinéma assiste à la réunion et prend des notes. Wayne Fetterman, un vieil ami de Skinner, est en effet en train de travailler sur un film traitant du FBI ; il veut juste quelques tuyaux pour son scénario...
Italian (Italiano)
Sta per essere realizzato un film su Mulder e Scully, così lo sceneggiatore segue i due agenti dell'FBI mentre questi indagano sull'omicidio avvenuto dentro la cripta di una chiesa.
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 64% · 26 (more information on website)
- IMDb 73% · 3,752 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Fox Mulder | David Duchovny |
Dana Scully | Gillian Anderson |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
Walter Skinner | Mitch Pileggi |
Wayne Federman | Wayne Federman |
Cardinal O'Fallon | Harris Yulin |
Cinema Audience (uncredited) | Minnie Driver |
Fox Mulder / Garry Shandling | Garry Shandling |
Cinema Audience (uncredited) | Chris Carter |
Micah Hoffman | Paul Lieber |
Zombie | Tim Roe |
Tina | Tina M. Ameduri |
Director | Bill Millar |
Cinema Audience (uncredited) | David Alan Grier |
Sugar Bear | Barry K. Thomas |
Dana Scully / Tea Leoni | Téa Leoni |
Chuck Burks | Bill Dow |
Department | Job | Person |
Directing | Director | David Duchovny |
Writing | Writer | David Duchovny |