Chicago Fire · Episode 1x19 'A Coffin That Small'

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Tragedy strikes when a rescue attempt at a tenement building proves unsuccessful, leaving the men and women of firehouse 51 affected by the loss of the victim. Severide's decision to put Mills on the fast track to move from Truck to Squad doesn't sit well with some of the others and tension mounts between Severide and Casey over Heather Darden. Shay and Dawson are forced to deal with a junkie's crazy behavior while on a call and Shay considers a different way to have a family. Meanwhile, the team draws the ire of local drug dealers who threaten the peace and safety of the neighborhood and firehouse.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Geben und Nehmen

Als die Rettungsbemühungen der Feuerwehrmänner fehlschlagen, kommt es in einem Mietshaus zu einer Tragödie. Severides (Taylor Kinney) Entscheidung über die neue Position von Mills (Charlie Barnett) kommt nicht bei allen Rettern gut an. Außerdem kommt es wegen Heather Darden (Chaon Cross) zu neuen Spannungen zwischen Severide und Casey (Jesse Spencer). Shay (Lauren German) und Dawson (Jon Seda) müssen sich mit einem verrückten Junkie herumschlagen und auch die Drogendealer spielen eine Rolle in der Episode.

France French (Français)


Alors que l'équipe du Centre 51 purge les bornes d'incendie du quartier, un enfant appelle pour secourir son frère, tombé dans le conduit d'un immeuble au cours d'une partie de cache-cache. De son côté, Severide soutient la candidature de Peter Mills pour rejoindre l'escouade. Le chef Boden s'entretient avec le jeune homme pour tester ses motivations. Peu après, la caserne est la cible d'une fusillade.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Un gioco mortale

Mentre giocava a nascondino con il fratello, il piccolo Taye rimane incastrato nello scivolo della lavanderia di un palazzo. Anche se l'intervento dei vigili del fuoco e' rapido ed efficace, le conseguenze della caduta saranno comunque fatali.Il piccolo Taye, qualche mese prima, era stato in gita scolastica proprio nella caserma del comandante Boden e aveva deciso di diventare un vigile del fuoco; cosi', dopo la morte del bambino, la madre regala alla squadra una foto del figlio con l'elmetto da pompiere.

First Aired
TMDb 82% · 8 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Matthew 'Matt' CaseyJesse Spencer
Kelly SeverideTaylor Kinney
Gabriela DawsonMonica Raymund
Leslie ShayLauren German
Peter MillsCharlie Barnett
Christopher HerrmannDavid Eigenberg
Brian 'Otis' ZvonecekYuriy Sardarov
Joe CruzJoe Miñoso
Randy 'Mouch' McHollandChristian Stolte
Wallace BodenEamonn Walker

Guest Stars

HadleyWilliam Smillie
Tara LittleBrooke Nevin
Harold CappRandy Flagler
DougieMarcus Jackson


DirectingDirectorDarnell Martin