Scrubs · Episode 1x23 'My Hero'

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Ben takes the news of his diagnosis pretty well - at least better than his sister Jordan and J.D. Remarkably, it is Dr. Cox who is the voice of reason and compassion, until his own fears get in the way. Meanwhile, Turk and Elliot have their own issues to deal with. Turk is upset because he wasn't chosen to assist on a difficult surgery and Elliot is criticized during rounds by Dr. Kelso for the 100th time.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Mein Held

Nun ist es sicher: Dr. Cox' ehemaliger Schwager Ben braucht eine Chemotherapie, weil er an Leukämie erkrankt ist. Im Krankenhaus versuchen alle Angestellten, dem jungen Mann Mut zu machen, allen voran Dr. Cox, der seinem Freund jeden erdenklichen Beistand verspricht. J.D. bewundert das Verhalten des Arztes und glaubt, einen wahren Helden vor sich zu haben.

France French (Français)

Mon héros

Ben prend la nouvelle de sa leucémie plutôt bien ; mieux en tout cas que sa sœur et J.D. Contre toute attente, c'est le Dr Cox qui s'avère être la voix de la raison...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Il mio eroe

Ben, fratello di Jordan, si sottopone alla chemioterapia per combattere la leucemia ma Cox non assiste alla prima seduta poiché ha paura per la sorte del suo amico. Fortunatamente il tumore di Ben regredisce ma J.D., che ha sempre visto Cox come un eroe, lo vede per la prima volta come una persona vera anche se per lui resterà sempre il "suo eroe".

First Aired
TMDb 87% · 10 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


John 'J.D.' DorianZach Braff
Christopher TurkDonald Faison
Perry CoxJohn C. McGinley
Elliot ReidSarah Chalke
Carla EspinosaJudy Reyes
Bob KelsoKen Jenkins
JanitorNeil Flynn

Guest Stars

Ted BucklandSam Lloyd
ToddRobert Maschio
Laverne RobertsAloma Wright
Ben SullivanBrendan Fraser
ChildKatya Abelski
BonnieLela Lee
Doug MurphyJohnny Kastl
Dr. WenCharles Rahi Chun
Dr. ZeltzerBob Clendenin
CrispinGeorge Miserlis
RoyPhilip McNiven
RandallPaul F. Perry
Jordan SullivanChrista Miller
ChildBrennan Louie


CameraDirector of PhotographyJohn Inwood
DirectingDirectorMichael Spiller
EditingEditorRick Blue