The Mentalist · Episode 1x8 'The Thin Red Line'

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While the police suspect a drug dealer on trial is behind the murders of the State's witness in his case, as well as his girlfriend, Patrick Jane sees a different motive for the crime -- as well as a different suspect.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Schüsse in Zimmer 22

Der junge Polizist Sam Blakely findet in einem Motelzimmer die Leiche von Patrice Matigan und Joseph, dem Kronzeugen eines Rauschgiftprozesses. Der Verdacht fällt sofort auf Drogenboss Rick Carris, doch der hat ein Alibi. Dann tauchen plötzlich ein Detective und Sam Blakelys Vater auf, und es liegt an Patrick Jane und dessen Team, Klarheit in dem Mordfall zu schaffen.

France French (Français)

Les liens du sang

Une jeune maman, Patrice Matigan, et Joseph Purcell, les témoins principaux contre un important traficant de drogue, sont retrouvés assassinés dans une chambre de motel. Les soupçons se portent rapidement sur un policier...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

La sottile linea rossa

Quando il testimone di Stato in un’inchiesta sullo spaccio di droga e la sua ragazza vengono trovati assassinati, Patrick Jane ritiene che il motivo non sia quello più ovvio.

First Aired
TMDb 75% · 23 (more information on website)
IMDb 77% · 1,841 (more information on website)


Patrick JaneSimon Baker
Teresa LisbonRobin Tunney
Kimball ChoTim Kang
Grace Van PeltAmanda Righetti
Wayne RigsbyOwain Yeoman

Guest Stars

Virgil MinelliGregory Itzin
Sam BlakelySteve Braun
Rick CarassBradford Tatum
Dale BlakelyMark Rolston
Katherine BlakelyKate McNeil
Steve PresiadoJulian Acosta
Lacy WellsTamara Clatterbuck
Patrice MadiganBevin Hamilton


DirectingDirectorMatt Earl Beesley