TV Show 'The Last Ship' 5 Seasons

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Their mission is simple: Find a cure. Stop the virus. Save the world. When a global pandemic wipes out eighty percent of the planet's population, the crew of a lone naval destroyer must find a way to pull humanity from the brink of extinction.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Die Serie erzählt die Geschichte des fiktiven amerikanischen Zerstörers der Arleigh-Burke-Klasse USS Nathan James (DDG-151). Durch eine Virus-Pandemie wurden über 80 % der Weltbevölkerung getötet, die Regierungen sind zusammengebrochen. Die Schiffsbesatzung mit der Mikrobiologin Dr. Rachel Scott an Bord zählt zu den wenigen gesunden Überlebenden. Dr. Scott versucht an Bord der USS Nathan James, ein Mittel gegen das tödliche Virus herzustellen.

France French (Français)

Après avoir passé plusieurs mois en Arctique pour une mission ultra-secrète, l'équipage de l'USS Nathan James, un destroyer de la United States Navy de classe Arleigh Burke, découvre avec horreur qu'une épidémie a décimé la majeure partie de la population mondiale. Le gouvernement des États-Unis n'existe plus. Protégés par les océans, le commandant et les 200 personnes sous ses ordres font partie des derniers survivants de la planète. Une scientifique présente à bord doit absolument trouver un vaccin avant l'extinction totale de l'espèce humaine…

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Ispirata all’omonimo romanzo di William Brinkley, seguiamo le avventure del capitano Tom Chandler (Eric Dane), che è da qualche mese in missione nell’Artico, sull’incrociatore Nathan James della Marina. Con lui a bordo ci sono il comandante Mike Slattery (Adam Baldwin) e un nutrito equipaggio, a cui si sono aggiunti la dottoressa Rachel Scott (Rhona Mitra) e il suo collega Quincy Thopet (Sam Spruell), due paleomicrobiologi. I loro studi sugli uccelli sembrano attirare l’attenzione dei russi, che non esitano a fare fuoco sui malcapitati. Chandler scopre che la realtà è molto più complicata del previsto: ogni comunicazione con le alte sfere sembra impossibile, lo studio dei due dottori è su una forma particolarmente aggressiva di virus, che sembra stia decimando la popolazione, e la loro ricerca potrebbe essere l’ultima speranza per salvare quello che resta del mondo. Tom e i suoi uomini potrebbero essere tra i pochi sopravvissuti al virus. E non è che l’inizio.

Episode Runtimes
post-apocalyptic future
Action & Adventure
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Origin Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Companies
United States of America Channel Road Productions
United States of America Platinum Dunes
United States of America Turner Network Television
United States of America Studio T
United States of America TNT
Content Ratings / Classifications
United Kingdom 15
United States of America TV-14
Canada 14+
Australia MA15+
Australia MA 15+
Germany 16
Germany 12
France 10
TMDb 68% · 932 (more information on website)
IMDb 74% · 65,301 (more information on website)


NumberOverview#EpisodesAir Date
Season 1The crew of a naval destroyer is forced to confront the reality of a new existence when a pandemic kills off most of the earth's population.10
Season 2Season Two begins with a cure for the Red Virus and the goal to save the human race. Navy Captain Tom Chandler and his crew return to the States unsure of what they will find. As the crew seeks to find survivors and their families, they encounter a new, emerging enemy who’s vying for control and may hinder the mass production of the cure.13
Season 3The crew of the Nathan James is shifting their attention to Asia after President Michener hears rumblings that the Chinese leader has been hoarding the "Scott cure" instead of distributing it to the people in the region. Michener sends Chandler to a global summit to investigate this allegation, as well as rumors of a possible mutation of the original virus that has caused a fresh outbreak in Japan.13
Season 4After the chilling events at the end of last season, Tom Chandler has given up his heroic titles and responsibilities and sought solace – and anonymity -- with his family in a small fishing village in Greece. Meanwhile, Captain Slattery and the crew of Nathan James have discovered that the virus has “jumped kingdoms” and now infects the world’s food crops, bringing humanity to the brink of global famine. As the ship traverses the Mediterranean in search of a solution that can save the world's food supply, Chandler encounters his own enemies in Greece. His “hero’s journey” becomes a modern day retelling of Homer’s Odyssey.10
Season 5In season five, the world is finally recovering from the deadly virus that decimated the population, but global political unrest still remains. Tom Chandler has retired and his former crew has scattered. Sasha Cooper, Lieutenant Danny Green, SBS WO-N Wolf Taylor and Sergeant Azima Kandie are on a covert mission in Panama. When they are wrongly blamed for an attack on the Panamanian President, the consequences for the United States are dire. The Nathan James must fight to prevent invasion by Latin America and the next world war.10


CO CDR Tom ChandlerEric Dane
XO Mike SlatteryAdam Baldwin
CMC JeterCharles Parnell
Lt. Danny GreenTravis Van Winkle
Lt. Alisha GrandersonChristina Elmore
LT. Carlton BurkJocko Sims
MillerKevin Michael Martin
GatorMichael Curran-Dorsano
Sgt. Azima KandieJodie Turner-Smith

Created by


ProductionExecutive ProducerAndrew Form
Brad Fuller
Michael Bay