Star Trek: Discovery · Episode 1x11 'The Wolf Inside'
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The crew continues their guise, and Burnham is ordered on a merciless mission to end the resistance in hopes of returning home. Meanwhile, Tilly works on restoring Stamets’ neurofunction.
German (Deutsch)
Burnham und Tyler brechen zu einer Mission auf, um den Widerstand vor der Vernichtung durch das irdische Imperium zu bewahren, in der Hoffnung, nach Hause zurückzukehren. Währenddessen arbeitet Tilly daran, die Neurofunktion von Stamets wiederherzustellen.
French (Français)
Tilly fait une proposition radicale pour sauver Stamets, tandis que Michael défie l'Empereur d'entrer en contact avec le mystérieux leader d'un camp de rebelles.
Italian (Italiano)
L'equipaggio continua ad assumere le sembianze e a Burnham viene ordinato di intraprendere una missione spietata per porre fine alla resistenza nella speranza di tornare a casa. Nel frattempo, Tilly lavora per ripristinare la neurofunzione di Stamets.
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 74% · 54 (more information on website)
- IMDb 78% · 4,643 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Michael Burnham | Sonequa Martin-Green |
Saru | Doug Jones |
Sylvia Tilly | Mary Wiseman |
Paul Stamets | Anthony Rapp |
Gabriel Lorca | Jason Isaacs |
Ash Tyler | Shazad Latif |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
Dr. Hugh Culber | Wilson Cruz |
Sarek | James Frain |
Admiral Shukar | Riley Gilchrist |
Service Engineer | Devon MacDonald |
Kamran Gant | Ali Momen |
Captain Maddox | Dwain Murphy |
Discovery Computer (voice) | Julianne Grossman |
Keyla Detmer | Emily Coutts |
Emperor Philippa Georgiou | Michelle Yeoh |
Department | Job | Person |
Directing | Director | T.J. Scott |
Writing | Writer | Lisa Randolph |