Star Trek: Discovery · Episode 1x4 'The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry'

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With tensions and stakes high as Starfleet continues in their efforts to end the war with Klingons, Burnham begins to settle in to her new position aboard the U.S.S. Discovery.

Germany German (Deutsch)


Angesichts der Spannungen und des hohen Einsatzes der Sternenflotte bei ihren Bemühungen, den Krieg mit den Klingonen zu beenden, beginnt Burnham, sich in an ihre neue Position an Bord der U.S.S. Discovery zu gewöhnen.

France French (Français)

Le couteau du boucher ne se soucie pas du cri de l'agneau

Voq fait face à un défi de taille en cherchant à mettre en œuvre les plans de T'Kuvma, tandis que Michael tente de mettre fin aux problèmes de propulsion du vaisseau.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Il coltello del macellaio non si cura del pianto dell'agnello

Con alta tensione e difficoltà, mentre la Flotta continua nei suoi sforzi per porre fine alla guerra con i Klingon, Burnham inizia a stabilirsi nella sua nuova posizione a bordo della U.S.S. Discovery

First Aired
TMDb 71% · 62 (more information on website)
IMDb 72% · 5,906 (more information on website)


Michael BurnhamSonequa Martin-Green
SaruDoug Jones
Sylvia TillyMary Wiseman
Paul StametsAnthony Rapp
Gabriel LorcaJason Isaacs
Ash TylerShazad Latif

Guest Stars

Dr. Hugh CulberWilson Cruz
VoqJavid Iqbal
Captain Philippa GeorgiouMichelle Yeoh
Engineer RanceDennis Andres
Betarian GirlJordana Blake
Milton RichterChristopher Russell
KolKenneth Mitchell
AiriamSara Mitich
Shenzhou Computer (voice)Tasia Valenza
L'RellMary Chieffo
Admiral Katrina CornwellJayne Brook
Commander LandryRekha Sharma
Discovery Computer (voice)Julianne Grossman
Joann OwosekunOyin Oladejo
Keyla DetmerEmily Coutts


CameraDirector of PhotographyColin Hoult
CrewFight ChoreographerHubert Boorder
Stunt CoordinatorChristopher McGuire
Stunt DoubleChristine Ebadi
Graeme Guthrie
Melanie Phan
StuntsJustin Howell
DirectingDirectorOlatunde Osunsanmi
EditingEditorAndrew Coutts