Star Trek: Discovery · Episode 1x5 'Choose Your Pain'

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Lorca unexpectedly finds himself in the company of a prisoner of war, Starfleet Lieutenant Ash Tyler, and a notorious intergalactic criminal, Harry Mudd. Meanwhile, Burnham voices her concerns about the repercussions of the spore drive jumps on “Ripper.”

Germany German (Deutsch)

Wähle deinen Schmerz

Lorca befindet sich unerwartet in der Gesellschaft eines Kriegsgefangenen, des Sternenflottenleutnants Ash Tyler, und des berüchtigten intergalaktischen Verbrechers Harry Mudd. Währenddessen äußert sich Burnham besorgt über die Auswirkungen der Sporenantrieb-Sprünge auf "Ripper".

France French (Français)

Choisissez votre douleur

Lorsque Lorca est kidnappé par les Klingons et emprisonné avec un codétenu excentrique, le Discovery est envoyé à son secours malgré les doutes de Michael.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Scegli il tuo dolore

Lorca si ritrova inaspettatamente in compagnia di un prigioniero di guerra, il tenente della Flotta Stellare Ash Tyler, e di un famigerato criminale intergalattico, Harry Mudd. Nel frattempo, Burnham esprime la sua preoccupazione per le ripercussioni dei "salti a spora" sul "Ripper"

First Aired
TMDb 72% · 64 (more information on website)
IMDb 73% · 5,791 (more information on website)


Michael BurnhamSonequa Martin-Green
SaruDoug Jones
Sylvia TillyMary Wiseman
Paul StametsAnthony Rapp
Gabriel LorcaJason Isaacs
Ash TylerShazad Latif

Guest Stars

Dr. Hugh CulberWilson Cruz
Shuttle PilotSimon Northwood
Milton RichterChristopher Russell
KlingonKirk Salesman
Harry MuddRainn Wilson
KlingonTyler Evan Webb
Admiral TerralConrad Coates
AiriamSara Mitich
L'RellMary Chieffo
Admiral Katrina CornwellJayne Brook
Discovery Computer (voice)Julianne Grossman
Joann OwosekunOyin Oladejo
RhysPatrick Kwok-Choon
Keyla DetmerEmily Coutts


CameraDirector of PhotographyGlen Keenan
CrewFight ChoreographerHubert Boorder
Stunt CoordinatorChristopher McGuire
Stunt DoubleGeoff Meech
Mustafa Bulut
Nicole Dickinson
StuntsAdam Winlove-Smith
Jason Lee Bell
Nick Alachiotis
Simon Northwood
Steve Gagne
DirectingDirectorLee Rose
EditingEditorScott Gamzon