Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan · Episode 2x7 'Dios y Federación'
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The election in Venezuela is moved up. Stranded in a hostile country, Jack and Mike fight for their lives, while Greer is interrogated. The Ubarri family must decide to flee or face Reyes.
German (Deutsch)
Die Wahl in Venezuela steht kurz bevor. Jack und Mike suchen im Dschungel nach Greer und befreien ein Gefangenenlager. Die Ubarri Familie steht vor einer Entscheidung: Entweder aus dem Land fliehen oder sich Reyes stellen.
French (Français)
Les élections Vénézuéliennes sont avancées. Greer subit un interrogatoire tandis que Jack et Mike, bloqués en terrain hostile, doivent se battre pour leur vie. Enfin, la famille Ubarri doivent faire un choix : fuir le pays ou affronter Reyes.
Italian (Italiano)
Le elezioni in Venezuela vengono anticipate. Jack e Mike sono bloccati in un paese ostile e lottano per sopravvivere, mentre Greer è sotto interrogatorio. La famiglia Ubarri deve decidere se scappare o affrontare Reyes.
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 70% · 27 (more information on website)
- IMDb 77% · 3,123 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Jack Ryan | John Krasinski |
James Greer | Wendell Pierce |
Harriet 'Harry' Baumann | Noomi Rapace |
President Nicolás Reyes | Jordi Mollà |
General Miguel Ubarri | Francisco Denis |
Mike November | Michael Kelly |
Gloria Bonalde | Cristina Umaña |
Matice | John Hoogenakker |
Marcus Bishop | Jovan Adepo |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
Mateo Bastos | Eduar Salas |
Cassandra Ubarri | Marcela Vanegas |
Lisa Calabrese | Susan Misner |
José Marzan | David Norona |
Jost Van Der Byl | Arnold Vosloo |
Disco | Victor Rasuk |
Coyote | Allan Hawco |
Sergio Bonalde | Gonzalo Vivanco |
Department | Job | Person |
Directing | Director | Dennie Gordon |
Writing | Writer | Carlton Cuse |
Graham Roland |