Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan · Episode 4x2 'Convergence'

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Jack digs deeper into Miller's dirty operations and learns more about Chavez. Back in Myanmar, Chao must navigate the tension in the compound to keep his family safe.

Germany German (Deutsch)


Jack stellt tiefergehende Nachforschungen zu Millers schmutzigen Operationen an und erfährt mehr über Chavez. Auf dem Gelände der Silberlotus-Triade in Myanmar muss Chao einen Umgang mit den Spannungen innerhalb der Organisation finden, um die Sicherheit seiner Familie zu gewährleisten.

France French (Français)

Jack s'intéresse de plus près aux opérations douteuses de Miller et en apprend davantage sur Chavez. De retour au Myanmar, Chao doit gérer les tensions au sein de la base pour assurer la sécurité de sa famille.

Italy Italian (Italiano)


Jack indaga a fondo nelle operazioni corrotte di Miller e scopre altre informazioni su Chávez. In Myanmar, Chao deve gestire le tensioni presenti nel compound per tenere al sicuro la propria famiglia.

First Aired
TMDb 67% · 19 (more information on website)
IMDb 74% · 1,903 (more information on website)


Jack RyanJohn Krasinski
James GreerWendell Pierce
Cathy MuellerAbbie Cornish
Adebayo 'Ade' OsojiOkieriete Onaodowan
Chao Fah SeinLouis Ozawa
Zeyara LemosZuleikha Robinson
Bennu FahRyn Greenwell
Domingo ChavezMichael Peña
Elizabeth WrightBetty Gabriel
Mike NovemberMichael Kelly

Guest Stars

Layla NavarroVictoria Sanchez
Patrick KlinghofferAdam Bernett
Thomas MillerJohn Schwab
Senator HenshawDerek Cecil
Senator JenningsNancy Lenehan
Tin TunJim Lau
Bill TuttleMichael McElhatton
President Charles BachlerDavid Bedella
Kyi FahJacelyn Parry
Soe WaiRobert Ristic
Dr. ThaungThomas Chaanhing
BartenderKevin Ezekiel Ogunleye
LynetteSabrina Jàvor
Gate Guard #1Brian Law
Bill's GradddaughterKrisztina Njus
Doctor's ReceptionistAlexzandra Sarmiento
Bill's DaughterNicola Wren


DirectingDirectorJann Turner