Movie 'The Adjustment Bureau'
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They stole his future. Now he's taking it back.
A man glimpses the future Fate has planned for him – and chooses to fight for his own destiny. Battling the powerful Adjustment Bureau across, under and through the streets of New York, he risks his destined greatness to be with the only woman he's ever loved.
German (Deutsch)
Jung, ehrgeizig und erfolgreich steht David Norris am Beginn einer exzellenten politischen Karriere. Doch mit einer prickelnden Liaison setzt er alles aufs Spiel: Er beginnt eine leidenschaftliche Affäre mit der fragilen Tänzerin Elise – ohne zu ahnen, welchen Preis er dafür bezahlen wird. Als er erkennt, dass er nur eine Marionette auf einer gigantischen Bühne ist, ist es zu spät und sein bisheriges Leben beginnt sich aufzulösen …
French (Français)
Sommes-nous maîtres de notre destin ? Ou sommes-nous manipulés par des forces invisibles ? Dans L'Agence, Matt Damon incarne un homme qui entrevoit l'avenir que le Sort lui réserve et se rend compte qu'il aspire à une autre vie que celle qui lui a été tracée. Pour y parvenir, il va devoir poursuivre la femme dont il est tombé follement amoureux, à travers les rues de New York et ses réseaux souterrains. David Norris (Matt Damon) est un homme politique ambitieux qui s'apprête à siéger au Sénat quand il fait la connaissance d'une éblouissante danseuse étoile, Elise Sellas (Emily Blunt). C'est le coup de foudre, mais David s'aperçoit rapidement que de mystérieux hommes conspirent à le séparer de l'objet de son affection.
Italian (Italiano)
David Norris, un giovane uomo col vizio della politica, è candidato alla carica di senatore nello stato di New York. In vantaggio sul suo avversario, David punta tutta la sua campagna sulla freschezza dei suoi pochi anni e su uno spiccato talento oratorio. Ma una foto goliardica, pubblicata dalla stampa, compromette la sua vittoria, assicurandogli nondimeno la simpatia, la fiducia e il voto di Elise, una ballerina promettente incontrata per caso nel bagno degli uomini. Innamorati e perduti nel tempo di un bacio, David ed Elise si congedano per cercarsi e ritrovarsi lungo le strade di New York. Quel loro amore tuttavia non è scritto nel libro del Presidente, una sorta di deus ex machina che decide il destino degli uomini. Elise non era prevista nel percorso esistenziale di David e dunque i guardiani del destino, agenti operativi del Presidente in giacca, cravatta e Borsalino, dovranno deviarla, aggiustando il tiro e garantendo un disegno più alto. David sfiderà gli ordini superiori.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- alone
- based on short story
- courthouse
- covert agency
- dancer
- destiny
- fate
- foot chase
- future
- hat
- honesty
- hotel
- kiss
- marriage
- plan
- political campaign
- politician
- senator
- speech
- Genres
- Romance
- Science Fiction
- Thriller
- Languages
- English
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
United States of America
- Production Companies
Universal Pictures
- Gambit Pictures
- Release Dates
Theatrical M
Theatrical M
Theatrical 14A
English: Theatrical 12A
English: Theatrical PG-13
German (Deutsch): Theatrical 12
Theatrical U
Theatrical T
Physical PG-13 DVD, Blu-ray
Physical 12
- Ratings
- TMDb 68% · 4,597 (more information on website)
- IMDb 70% · 276,286 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 72% (more information on website)
- metacritic 60% (more information on website)
Character | Person |
David Norris | Matt Damon |
Elise Sellas | Emily Blunt |
Richardson | John Slattery |
Harry Mitchell | Anthony Mackie |
Charlie Traynor | Michael Kelly |
Thompson | Terence Stamp |
Adrian Troussant, Elise's Fiancé | Shane McRae |
Suburban Mom | Lisa Thoreson |
Suburban Mom | Florence Kastriner |
Suburban Neighbor | Natalie Carter |
Suburban Neighbor | Phyllis MacBryde |
Himself | Chuck Scarborough |
Jon Stewart | Jon Stewart |
Political Consultant | Kar Fearon |
Political Consultant | RJ Konner |
Reporter | Susan D. Michaels |
U.S. Coast Guard Officer | Gregory P. Hitchen |
Senior Campaign Aide | Amanda Warren |
Lauren, Elise's Best Friend | Jessica Lee Keller |
Upstate Farmer | Darrell Lenormand |
Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg | Michael Bloomberg |
Robyn, Campaign Aide | Lauren Hodges |
Albert, Campaign Aide | Gregory Lay |
James Carville | James Carville |
Mary Matalin | Mary Matalin |
McCrady | Anthony Ruivivar |
Norris Supporter | Laurie Dawn |
Charlie's Assistant, Christine | Christine McLain |
Betty Liu | Betty Liu |
Man in Madison Square Park | Jim Edward Gately |
Bus Driver | Don Hewitt Sr. |
Bus Passenger | Venida Evans |
Susan, RSR Receptionist | Julie Hays |
Miller | Fabrizio Brienza |
Burdensky | David Bishins |
Junior Partner | Kate Nowlin |
Junior Partner | Rob Yang |
Brooklyn Ice House Bartender | Jennifer Ehle |
Johnny from Red Hook | Johnny Cicco |
Maitre D' Paul De Santo | Pedro Pascal |
New Leaf Waiter | Michael Boyne |
Taxi Driver | Peter Epstein |
Police Officer Maes | Brian Haley |
Police Sergeant | Kirsty Meares |
Donaldson | Donnie Keshawarz |
Donaldson's Aide | Kieran Campion |
Orthopedic Surgeon | Sandi Carroll |
Newscaster, Daniel Bazile | Daniel Bazile |
Cedar Lake Receptionist | Meghan Andrews |
Court Registrar | Sandra Berrios |
Thompson's Aide | David Alan Basche |
Thompson's Aide | Joel de la Fuente |
Thompson's Aide | Mike DiSalvo |
DMV Clerk | Dina Cataldi |
New Yorker in Courthouse Lobby | Jason Kravits |
County Clerk | Peter Jay Fernandez |
Court Officer | Lawrence Leritz |
Bureau Headquarters Staff | Peter Hans Benson |
Bureau Headquarters Staff | Leroy McClain |
Bureau Headquarters Staff | Brit Whittle |
Bureau Headquarters Staff | Wayne Scott Miller |
Bureau Headquarters Staff | Lorenzo Pisoni |
Bureau Headquarters Staff | Bart Wilder |
Court Officer #2 (uncredited) | Johnathan Hallgrey |
Bus Passenger | Kyoko Bruguera |