Movie 'The Day After Tomorrow'
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Where will you be?
After paleoclimatologist Jack Hall is largely ignored by UN officials when presenting his environmental concerns about the beginning of a new Ice Age, his research proves true when a superstorm develops, setting off catastrophic natural disasters throughout the world. Trying to get to his son, Sam, who is trapped in New York City with his friend Laura and others, Jack and his crew must travel to get to Sam before it's too late.
- a.k.a. The Day After Tomorrow
German (Deutsch)
Lange prognostiziert, setzen sie plötzlich innerhalb kürzester Zeit weltweit ein, gewaltige Naturereignisse, die eine neue Eiszeit einläuten: Hagelstürme in Tokio, Schneefälle in Indien, Tornados über Los Angeles. Endlich reagiert auch die Regierung und evakuiert alle US-Bürger der südlichen Staaten nach Mexiko, während man mangels Zeit alle anderen dem sicheren Kältetod überlässt. Einzig Klimaforscher Jack Hall kämpft sich durch Blitzeis und Schnee nach Norden, denn sein Sohn sitzt in der New Yorker Bibliothek fest.
French (Français)
Le climatologue Jack Hall avait prédit l’arrivée d’un autre âge de glace, mais n’avait jamais pensé que cela se produirait de son vivant. Un changement climatique imprévu et violent à l’échelle mondiale entraîne à travers toute la planète de gigantesques ravages : inondations, grêle, tornades et températures d’une magnitude inédite. Jack a peu de temps pour convaincre le président des États-Unis d’évacuer le pays pour sauver des millions de personnes en danger, dont son fils Sam bloqué à New York par -70°C...
Italian (Italiano)
Il paleo-climatologo Jack Hall, dopo essere rientrato da un carotaggio antartico, fa un appello al mondo, in particolare al presidente degli Stati Uniti che poco gli da ascolto. Jack ha scoperto che, la continua immissione di acqua dolce negli oceani causata dal progressivo disgelo dei poli, potrebbe causare l’inversione delle correnti, e determinare le condizioni di una nuova glaciazione sulla terra. Non viene data importanza alla notizia e ben presto si verificano delle catastrofi: chicchi di grandine delle dimensioni di un ananas flagellano Tokyo, uragani di una violenza mai registrata si abbattono sulle Hawaii, Nuova Delhi è sepolta sotto la neve, e Los Angeles viene spazzata da una serie di tornadi devastanti. Mentre tutti fuggono in direzione sud, Jack deve riuscire a raggiungere New York travolta da un freddo gelido, per salvare suo figlio Sam che si trova nella Public Library di Manhattan.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- awestruck
- barrier ice
- cataclysmic storm
- climate change
- climate crisis
- climate science
- climatologist
- disaster movie
- evacuation
- flooding
- freezing
- frozen alive
- global catastrophe
- global warming
- greenhouse effect
- hail
- high school student
- hurricane
- ice age
- ice melting
- mass casualties
- new york city
- new york public library
- philadelphia, pennsylvania
- polar zone
- rescue mission
- saving the world
- scientist
- scotland
- snow
- snowed in
- superstorm
- temperature drop
- tornado
- torrential rain
- tsunami
- typhoon
- united nations
- Genres
- Action
- Adventure
- Science Fiction
- Thriller
- Languages
- English
- Spanish (Español)
- French (Français)
- Arabic (العربية)
- Japanese (日本語)
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
United States of America
- Production Companies
20th Century Fox
Centropolis Entertainment
The Mark Gordon Company
- Release Dates
Premiere 12 Berlin
Premiere PG-13 New York City, New York
French (Français): Theatrical
Theatrical U
Premiere 12 London
Theatrical M
German (Deutsch): Theatrical
German (Deutsch): Theatrical 12
Theatrical 12A
Theatrical PG
Italian (Italiano): Theatrical 12
Theatrical T
Physical PG-13 DVD
Physical 12 DVD
Physical PG-13 Blu-ray
Physical 12 Blu-ray
Digital 12 Disney+
Digital 12 Netflix
- Ratings
- TMDb 65% · 8,201 (more information on website)
- IMDb 65% · 491,756 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 45% (more information on website)
- metacritic 47% (more information on website)