Movie 'R.I.P.D.'
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To protect and serve the living.
A recently slain cop joins a team of undead police officers working for the Rest in Peace Department and tries to find the man who murdered him.
- a.k.a. Rest in Peace Department working title
- R.I.P.D.
- RIPD Alternate
German (Deutsch)
- a.k.a. R.I.P.D. - Cops auf Geisterjagd
Als der Polizist Nick Walker bei einem Einsatz tödlich verwundet wird, muss er feststellen, dass der Tod noch längst nicht die ewige Ruhe mit sich bringt, die man erwarten könnte. Er kehrt als Mitglied des Rest-In-Peace-Departments, kurz: R.I.P.D., in die Welt zurück. Ihm zur Seite steht der ehemalige Revolverheld Roy Pulsipher, der schon seit Jahrhunderten im Auftrag des Departments für Ordnung sorgt. Der erfahrene Cop steht zwar kurz vor der Pensionierung, aber ein letztes Mal will er noch seinem legendären Ruf gerecht werden. Gemeinsam macht sich das untote Duo auf, um die Straßen von allerlei dunkler Kreaturen zu säubern und den Killer zu finden, der auch für Nicks eigenen Tod verantwortlich ist.
French (Français)
- a.k.a. R.I.P.D. - Brigade Fantôme
- R.I.P.D. Brigade Fantôme
Un tandem de flics d'un genre très spécial, puisque défunts, est envoyé par leur unité de police R.I.P.D. (Rest in Peace Department) pour protéger notre planète d'une recrudescence de créatures néfastes qui refusent de passer tranquillement dans l'autre monde. Le capitaine Roy Pulsifer est un vétéran de cette division dédiée à la traque de revenants redoutables se faisant passer pour des citoyens ordinaires. Sa mission : appréhender les criminels qui tentent d'échapper au Jugement Dernier en se dissimulant parmi les vivants. Blagueur incorrigible, Roy se voit assigner comme nouveau coéquipier feu Nick Walker, l'ancienne star montante de la police. Les deux "hommes" vont devoir ravaler leur antipathie respective pour mener à bien leur mission.
Italian (Italiano)
Poliziotti a Boston, Nick Walker e Bobby Hayes hanno sottratto una cassa piena d'oro durante un'operazione, ma se il primo, pentito, vorrebbe restituirla, il secondo arriverà addirittura ad uccidere il compare pur di tenerla per sé. Subito dopo la morte, Nick si ritrova in un ufficio del Rest in Peace Department, un agenzia celeste che recluta gli agenti defunti al fine di tornare sulla Terra - in corpi ben diversi dai loro - per controllare le attività di alcuni spiriti malvagi celati sotto sembianze umane. Dal momento che svolgere il compito porterà vantaggio il Giorno del Giudizio, Nick accetta l'incarico. Farà coppia con Roy Pulsipher, sceriffo del vecchio west morto più di un secolo prima.
Part of R.I.P.D. Collection
A series of films about a special police force known as the Rest in Peace Department that protects humanity from the undead.
R.I.P.D. owned
- Release Date:
- Rating: 58% · 4,040
A recently slain cop joins a team of undead police officers working for the Rest in Peace Department and tries to find the man who murdered him.
R.I.P.D. 2: Rise of the Damned not owned
- Release Date:
- Rating: 63% · 601
When Sheriff Roy Pulsipher finds himself in the afterlife, he joins a special police force and returns to Earth to save humanity from the undead.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- absurd
- amused
- based on comic
- death
- detective
- detectives
- ghost
- gold
- husband
- investigation
- love
- partner
- police department
- police operation
- revenge
- undead
- wife
- Genres
- Action
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- Languages
- English
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
United States of America
- Production Companies
Universal Pictures
Dark Horse Entertainment
Original Film
- Release Dates
Theatrical T
Theatrical PG
Theatrical PG-13
Theatrical U
German (Deutsch): Theatrical 12
Theatrical M
Theatrical 12A
Physical U DVD & Blu-Ray
Digital VOD
Physical 4K UHD
- Ratings
- TMDb 58% · 4,040 (more information on website)
- IMDb 56% · 147,048 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 13% (more information on website)
- metacritic 25% (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Roy Pulsipher | Jeff Bridges |
Nick Walker | Ryan Reynolds |
Bobby Hayes | Kevin Bacon |
Proctor | Mary-Louise Parker |
Julia | Stephanie Szostak |
Nawlicki | Robert Knepper |
Nick's Avatar / Jerry Chen | James Hong |
Roy's Avatar | Marisa Miller |
Elliot | Mike O'Malley |
Pulaski | Devin Ratray |
Murphy | Larry Joe Campbell |
Detective in Locker Room | Michael Coons |
R.I.P.D. Evidence Clerk | Chris Everett |
R.I.P.D. Evidence Clerk | Michael Tow |
Proctor's Avatar | Lonnie Farmer |
Nick's New Avatar | Piper Mackenzie Harris |
Clerk in VCR Repair Shop | Ben Sloane |
Executive | Duncan B. Putney |
Executive | Bill Mootos |
Office Girl | Kortney Adams |
Jersey Deado | Michael Yebba |
Multi-Armed Deado | David J. Curtis |
Goth Chick | Kachina Dechert |
Driving Deado | Cheryl McMahon |
Female Cop | Georgia Lyman |
Male Cop | Matt McColm |
Female TV Reporter | Catherine Kresge |
Newscaster in Helicopter | John Burke |
R.I.P.D. '70s Cop | Joe Stapleton |
R.I.P.D. Cop | Michael Steven Costello |
R.I.P.D. Cop | Naheem Garcia |
R.I.P.D. Cop | Lance Greene |
Clement Smokewagon Perkins | Tobias Segal |
Various Deado Voices (voice) | Mike Judge |
Various Deado Voices (voice) | Toby Huss |
Various Deado Voices (voice) | Jon Olson |
Driver (uncredited) | Emmalyn Anderson |
Police Officer (uncredited) | Ronald Boone |
Red Sox Fan (uncredited) | Alexandra Creteau |
Cop #7 (uncredited) | Jim Ford |
Pedestrian (uncredited) | John Franchi |
1970's Detective (uncredited) | J. Jewels |
Deado #8 (uncredited) | Chris Whitney |
Drag Queen Avatar (uncredited) | D.J. 'Shangela' Pierce |