Monk · Episode 4x14 'Mr. Monk and the Astronaut'

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When Captain Stottlemeyer suspects that a suicide is really a murder, Monk confirms his suspicions by discovering that the victim, Joanne Raphelson, was too short to have used the stool she supposedly stood on to hang herself. But the next clue, the remains of an olive, a cherry, and a cocktail onion on a stirring stick, leads Monk to suspect that the murder was committed by an astronaut, Steve Wagner. A little research reveals a motive--Joanne was about to publish a book revealing that Wagner had abused her five years earlier. Now all Monk has to do is to prove that Wagner could commit the murder when he was in outer space.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Mr. Monk und das außerirdische Alibi

Monk möchte einem Astronauten einen Mord nachweisen, obwohl der ein wasserdichtes Alibi hat - er war zur Tatzeit im Weltraum.

France French (Français)

Monk et l'astronaute

Monk doit résoudre une affaire très complexe. Une femme qui venait de rédiger une biographie d'un célèbre astronaute est, en effet, retrouvée morte chez elle. Si tout laisse à penser qu'elle s'est suicidée, Monk est convaincu qu'elle a été assassinée. L'astronaute est le premier suspect, mais il était dans l'espace au moment du meurtre.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Il signor Monk e l'astronauta

Monk è alle prese con un caso quasi impossibile, l'omicidio di una scrittrice che stava per pubblicare una biografia che avrebbe rivelato tutti i particolari della vita di un celebre astronauta, che ora è il primo sospettato, ma ha un alibi di ferro: mentre veniva commesso il delitto, lui si trovava intorno alla Terra, in una navicella spaziale!

First Aired
TMDb 71% · 7 (more information on website)
IMDb 81% · 1,504 (more information on website)


Adrian MonkTony Shalhoub
Leland StottlemeyerTed Levine
Randall DisherJason Gray-Stanford
Natalie TeegerTraylor Howard

Guest Stars

Steve WagnerJeffrey Donovan
Darrell CainEric Allan Kramer
Julie TeegerEmmy Clarke
Joanne RaphelsonBrianna Brown
Donna CainAriel Winter
BobbyMichael Belcher
Nicole WagnerNatasha Pavlovich
CongressmanAlbert Malafronte
MechanicBilly Mayo
First BoyBrandon Matthew Parker
Crew MemberBruno Amato
P.R. PersonDiane Boehm Himmich
ReporterErica Zodtner
PilotErnest John Teichert III
Young AirmanJared Dostie
First GirlLarissa Shebroe
Captain SavoMartin Papazian
Third BoyRoshon Fegan
Lead Security OfficerRoy William Collins
NCOTimothy Taule
Uniform CopTom Ohmer
HousekeeperWanda Acuna
Young GirlWillow Duke
Air Force Second LieutenantChristine Fry
Congressman's Wife (uncredited)Kathleen Carr
Cleaning Staff (uncredited)Ian Novotny
Dr. Charles KrogerStanley Kamel
Second BoyTanner Scott Richards


DirectingDirectorDavid Breckman
Joe Toplyn
Randall Zisk