The Office · Episode 4x10 'Chair Model'

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Pam is becoming more and more annoyed with Michael and his indecisiveness about ordering a desk chair. In Michael's defense, he's become distracted by his crush on the woman who is modeling the chair in the catalogue. He reminds Pam that since the infamous dinner party, he is now a single man.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Das Stuhl-Model

Michael braucht einen neuen Bürostuhl, und beim Durchblättern des Kataloges glaubt er, die Frau seines Lebens entdeckt zu haben. Deborah Schoslewski, das Model, das für den Stuhl auf dem Foto posiert, hat es ihm angetan.

France French (Français)

Le Mannequin

Michael est fasciné par un modèle de chaise dans un catalogue, ce qui conduit à un désir de passer de Jan. Kevin et Andy s'associent pour gagner des places de stationnement pour Dunder Mifflin perdu lors des travaux de construction d'un autre locataire complexe.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

La ragazza ideale

La fascinazione di Michael per una modella che sponsorizza una sedia su un catalogo di forniture per ufficio gli fa provare cose che non provava da tempo.

First Aired
TMDb 78% · 33 (more information on website)
IMDb 78% · 5,974 (more information on website)


Michael ScottSteve Carell
Dwight SchruteRainn Wilson
Jim HalpertJohn Krasinski
Pam BeeslyJenna Fischer
Ryan HowardB.J. Novak

Guest Stars

Andy BernardEd Helms
Jan LevinsonMelora Hardin
Creed BrattonCreed Bratton
Kelly KapoorMindy Kaling
Meredith PalmerKate Flannery
Stanley HudsonLeslie David Baker
Kevin MaloneBrian Baumgartner
Phyllis LapinPhyllis Smith
Óscar MartínezOscar Nuñez
Angela MartinAngela Kinsey
Toby FlendersonPaul Lieberstein
MargaretBrooke Dillman
Bill KressTerrence Beasor
Deborah ShoshlefskiApril Eden
Bob VanceRobert R. Shafer
BaristaSean Bury
Paul FaustPaul Faust
WB JonesBarry Sigismondi
BaristaSean Bury


DirectingDirectorJeffrey Blitz