Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan · Episode 1x5 'End of Honor'

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After the horrific Paris church attack, Jack and Greer discover a deeper strategy behind Suleiman's actions, forcing Jack to suggest an unusual trap for him. Hanin faces new challenges in her quest for freedom.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Nach dem schrecklichen Angriff der Pariser Kirche entdecken Jack und Greer eine tiefere Strategie hinter Suleimans Handlungen und zwingen Jack, eine ungewöhnliche Falle für ihn vorzuschlagen. Hanin steht auf ihrem Streben nach Freiheit vor neuen Herausforderungen.

France French (Français)

Au bout de l'honneur

Après l'horrible attentat dans une église de Paris, Jack et Greer découvrent la stratégie cachée derrière les actes de Suleiman. Jack suggère de lui tendre un piège inhabituel, tandis que Hanin affronte de nouveaux obstacles dans sa quête de liberté.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

La fine dell'onore

Dopo un raccapricciante attacco a una chiesa di Parigi, Jack e Greer scoprono una strategia più profonda dietro le azioni di Suleiman, portando Jack a suggerire una trappola insolita. Hanin deve affrontare nuove sfide nella sua ricerca della libertà.

First Aired
TMDb 78% · 42 (more information on website)
IMDb 82% · 4,010 (more information on website)


Jack RyanJohn Krasinski
James GreerWendell Pierce
Cathy MuellerAbbie Cornish
Mousa bin SuleimanAli Suliman
HaninDina Shihabi

Guest Stars

Tarek KassarMena Massoud
Patrick KlinghofferAdam Bernett
Nathan M. SingerTimothy Hutton
Ali bin SuleimanHaaz Sleiman
Noreen YangEileen Li
Ansor DudayevGoran Kostić
IbrahimAmir El-Masry
Shelby FarnsworthDaniel Kash
Victor PolizziJohn Magaro
Ava GarciaYani Marin
Dr. Daniel NadlerMatt McCoy
Secretary of Defense Marcus TrentAl Sapienza
Lance MillerJonathan Bailey
JabirZarif Kabier
Japanese TV ReporterKaoru Matsui
SaraNadia Affolter


DirectingDirectorPatricia Riggen