Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan · Episode 1x6 'Sources and Methods'

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Jack's moral code is tested when he and Greer use a Turkish criminal to help them track down a high-value target who may be able to lead them to Suleiman. Hanin tries to evade her pursuers and keep her daughters safe. Cathy investigates an outbreak of a virulent form of Ebola that may point to something more ominous.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Böse Menschen, gute Menschen

Jacks Moralkodex wird getestet, wenn er und Greer einen türkischen Kriminellen einsetzen, um ihnen zu helfen, ein hochwertiges Ziel aufzuspüren, das sie vielleicht zu Suleiman führen kann. Hanin versucht, ihren Verfolgern zu entkommen und ihre Töchter zu beschützen. Cathy untersucht einen Ausbruch einer virulenten Form von Ebola, die auf etwas Unheilvolles hinweisen könnte.

France French (Français)

Sources et méthodes

Greer et Jack sont obligés d'utiliser l'aide d'un criminel turc pour tracer une cible importante susceptible de les mener à Suleiman, mettant à l'épreuve le sens moral de Jack. Hanin tente d'échapper à ses poursuivants et de garder sa fille à l'abri. Cathy enquête sur une épidémie foudroyante du virus Ebola qui ne présage rien de bon.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Fonti e metodi

Il codice morale di Jack è messo a dura prova quando lui e Greer si ritrovano a dover usare un criminale turco per rintracciare uno tra i più grossi ricercati che può condurli da Suleiman. Hanin cerca di seminare i suoi inseguitori e portare le figlie in salvo. Cathy studia un'ondata violenta di Ebola che può causare qualcosa di più terribile.

First Aired
TMDb 78% · 41 (more information on website)
IMDb 84% · 4,159 (more information on website)


Jack RyanJohn Krasinski
James GreerWendell Pierce
Cathy MuellerAbbie Cornish
Mousa bin SuleimanAli Suliman
HaninDina Shihabi

Guest Stars

Tony Ahmet DemirNuman Acar
Ali bin SuleimanHaaz Sleiman
Victor PolizziJohn Magaro
Dr. Sean DuncanVince Nappo
the man who was caughing in the truckSaid Bey
the man who was yelling at people to descend from the truckKaan Urgancıoğlu
SaraNadia Affolter


DirectingDirectorCarlton Cuse