Lie to Me · Episode 2x4 'Honey'

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Eric Matheson (Garret Dillahunt) is determined to prove that he didn't murder his wife. Torres is assigned to investigate the murder, and goes to the house of the victim's sister. Matheson finds Torre's car and gets into it after she forgot to lock the door. When Torres returns, Matheson holds her at gunpoint, instructing her to drive to the Lightman Group offices. Cal makes a deal with Mattheson, asking him to let all the employees go as long as he helps prove Mattheson's innocence. Mattheson complies, and Foster, Loker, Reynolds and Torres attempt to solve the case, while Loker has second thoughts about not calling the authorities. Cal and the team find out that Mattheson was actually innocent, and that his wife was actually killed by a creditor. Mattheson demands that he sees the creditor, saying he will either take his life or Cal's. Cal pleads for Mattheson to kill him, but Foster, Loker and Reynolds trick Mattheson into letting his guard down after a disguised Loker pretends to recount the last moments of Mattheson's wife's life. As Mattheson is in a moment of rage before killing Loker, Reynolds draws his gun and shoots Mattheson, disarming him. The episode ends with Lightman at Foster's home, asking if he could sleep in her spare room for the night.

Germany German (Deutsch)


Dr. Cal Lightman und sein Team geraten alle in große Gefahr. Ria spricht im Auftrag der Polizei mit einer gewissen Gwen Burns, deren Bruder seine Ehefrau Conny umgebracht haben soll.

France French (Français)

La culpabilité

Eric Matheson, un homme soupçonné d'avoir tuer sa femme, arrive au Groupe Lightman pour être questionné. Décidé à prouver son innocence, il prend des mesures radicales qui mettent la vie de l'équipe en danger.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

La prova più difficile

Il Gruppo Lightman interroga Eric Matheson, un uomo accusato di aver assassinato sua moglie. Per provare la sua innocenza, Eric mette in atto delle misure estreme, mettendo tutti in pericolo.

First Aired
TMDb 75% · 10 (more information on website)
IMDb 79% · 887 (more information on website)


Cal LightmanTim Roth
Gillian FosterKelli Williams
Ria TorresMonica Raymund
Eli LokerBrendan Hines
Emily LightmanHayley McFarland
Ben ReynoldsMekhi Phifer

Guest Stars


DirectingDirectorTimothy Busfield