Lie to Me · Episode 2x5 'Grievous Bodily Harm'

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When Cal's old pal, Terry Marsh, comes to town, he brings plenty of trouble with him. Meanwhile, the rest of the team meets with some students from a prep school to determine if any of them are responsible for a threatening tape that was sent to the headmaster.

Germany German (Deutsch)


Cal bekommt überraschend Besuch von seinem alten Freund Terry Marsh, zu dem Cal allerdings ein ausgesprochen zwiespältiges Verhältnis hat.

France French (Français)

Un ami qui vous veut du bien

Un vieil ami de Cal essaie d'impliquer celui-ci dans une conspiration criminelle. Pendant ce temps, l'équipe enquête sur les menaces de mort d'un lycéen.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Scambio di favori

Un evento del passato si ripercuote sul Gruppo Lightman mettendo sotto esame la lealtà di Lightman, coinvolto in una pericolosa partita di destrezza e furbizia. Nel frattempo il Gruppo indaga su delle minacce che coinvolgono uno studente di liceo.

First Aired
TMDb 72% · 10 (more information on website)
IMDb 80% · 830 (more information on website)


Cal LightmanTim Roth
Gillian FosterKelli Williams
Ria TorresMonica Raymund
Eli LokerBrendan Hines
Emily LightmanHayley McFarland
Ben ReynoldsMekhi Phifer

Guest Stars


DirectingDirectorEric Laneuville
Timothy Busfield