Lie to Me · Episode 2x6 'Lack of Candor'

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After a federal witness is killed, the US attorney arrives at the Lightman Group to take the next witness in line, Reynolds, into protected custody. Cal feels that the US Marshals Service cannot protect Reynolds, so he takes him "hostage" and demands that he be able to run the investigation into the witness's death. During his investigation, he finds out that while undercover Reynolds did drugs and killed a man and wants to keep it a secret to avoid prosecution after he finds out that his handler (Alicia Coppola) did not properly report the event. Through his own undercover operation, Cal records the handler admitting that she led Reynolds to believe that everything was all set legally, and the US attorney subsequently takes her into custody. Meanwhile Loker and Torres discover that the original witness was killed after the cell phone that his mistress provided was tracked to his safe house's location.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Leiche im Keller

Agent Ben Reynolds steckt in Schwierigkeiten. Dies hängt damit zusammen, dass er eine Zeit lang undercover für das FBI tätig war.

France French (Français)

L'homme à abattre

Le passé de l'agent Reynolds refait surface lorsqu'un témoin à charge est assassiné avant le procès très attendu d'un chef mafieux. L'agence Lightman est alors mandatée par le gouvernement pour trouver le meurtrier et protéger l'unique témoin restant, Reynolds. Mais quand ce dernier refuse de témoigner au procès, Cal et Gillian comprennent qu'il cache quelque chose...

Italy Italian (Italiano)


Dopo l'uccisione di un testimone, il Procuratore Generale chiede l'intervento del gruppo Lightman per occuparsi della custodia di un altro testimone dello stesso caso che adesso è in pericolo di vita. Durante le indagini Cal scopre che l'uomo, Reynolds, ha commesso un omicidio mentre si trovava nel programma di protezione testimoni, tuttavia, l'Agente che si occupa di lui non ha riportato il fatto, facendogli credere che non ci sarebbero state ripercussioni.

First Aired
TMDb 72% · 10 (more information on website)
IMDb 76% · 806 (more information on website)


Cal LightmanTim Roth
Gillian FosterKelli Williams
Ria TorresMonica Raymund
Eli LokerBrendan Hines
Emily LightmanHayley McFarland
Ben ReynoldsMekhi Phifer

Guest Stars

Sheila RedattiAlicia Coppola
Garrett DenningBrian Howe
Marshal JohnsonMatt Gerald
KimiArlene Tur
Mrs. McLaughlinKari Coleman


DirectingDirectorEric Laneuville
Terrence O'Hara