Lie to Me · Episode 2x9 'Fold Equity'
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Lightman, Foster and Reynolds travel to Las Vegas to help locate a missing finalist in the World Series of Poker. Lightman uses his skills to read the other competitors' faces to figure out which one knows about the disappearance. Meanwhile, Loker and Torres analyze Loker's new relationship, and as a result, get closer to each other.
German (Deutsch)
Cal, Gillian und Ben fahren nach Las Vegas, um dort bei der Suche nach dem Pokerchampion Jake Hartman, der sich für das Finale eines großen Turniers qualifiziert hatte, zu helfen.
French (Français)
Le finaliste des World Series of Poker a disparu, alors Lightman, Foster et Reynolds vont à Vegas pour enquêter sur sa disparition. En attendant, Loker et Torres commencent la sélection.
Italian (Italiano)
Uno dei finalisti delle World Series di poker scompare e Lightman indaga con l'aiuto di Foster e Reynolds. Nel frattempo Loker e Torres cominciano a fare amicizia.
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 79% · 10 (more information on website)
- IMDb 75% · 753 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Cal Lightman | Tim Roth |
Gillian Foster | Kelli Williams |
Ria Torres | Monica Raymund |
Eli Loker | Brendan Hines |
Emily Lightman | Hayley McFarland |
Ben Reynolds | Mekhi Phifer |
Guest Stars
Department | Job | Person |
Directing | Director | Elodie Keene |