Movie 'Zootopia'

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Welcome to the urban jungle.

Determined to prove herself, Officer Judy Hopps, the first bunny on Zootopia's police force, jumps at the chance to crack her first case - even if it means partnering with scam-artist fox Nick Wilde to solve the mystery.

United Kingdom English

  • a.k.a. Zootropolis

United States of America English

  • a.k.a. Zootopia 3D 3D version
  • Zootopia

Germany German (Deutsch)

  • a.k.a. Zoomania - Ganz schön ausgefuchst!

Zoomania, eine gigantische Stadt voller Möglichkeiten: Hier leben die unterschiedlichsten Tierarten Seite an Seite, sei es in Sahara-Wolkenkratzern oder Iglu-Appartements. Für jede Vorliebe findet sich der passende Wohnraum. Mitten in den Trubel dieser Großstadt wird die junge Polizistin Judy Hopps versetzt, die hofft, nun endlich einmal einen großen Fall lösen zu dürfen. Aber als kleiner Nager zwischen lauter großgewachsenen Kollegen wird sie nur belächelt und so darf Judy lediglich Parksündern nachjagen. Als ihr Chef sie endlich mit einem spannenden Auftrag betraut, stellt die clevere Häsin schnell fest, dass sie Hilfe braucht, um die mysteriöse Verschwörung aufzudecken, die die Bewohner von Zoomania in Atem hält. Notgedrungen lässt sie sich auf eine Zusammenarbeit mit dem vorlauten Fuchs und Trickbetrüger Nick Wilde ein.

France French (Français)


Avec ses quartiers comme la très chic Place du Sahara ou le glacial Toundraville, la métropole Zootopie, où ne vivent que des mammifères, est un melting pot où toutes les espèces cohabitent. Qu’on soit un énorme éléphant ou une minuscule musaraigne, tout le monde y a sa place. Mais quand l’optimiste agent Judy Hopps arrive en ville, elle découvre qu’être le premier lapin dans la police, au milieu d'animaux costauds, n’est pas si simple. Pour faire ses preuves, elle décide de résoudre une enquête, même si pour cela, elle doit faire équipe avec Nick Wilde, un renard beau parleur et roi de l’arnaque. Certaines séquences ou certains motifs lumineux clignotants sont susceptibles d'affecter les téléspectateurs photosensibles.

Italy Italian (Italiano)


Il mondo animale è cambiato: non è più diviso in due fra docili prede e feroci predatori, ma armoniosamente coabitato da entrambi. Judy è una coniglietta dalle grandi ambizioni che sogna di diventare poliziotta, poiché le è stato insegnato che tutto è possibile in questo nuovo mondo. Nick è una volpe che vive di espedienti nella capitale, Zootropolis, dove Judy, dopo un estenuante training in accademia, approda come ausiliaria del traffico. Toccherà a loro, inaspettatamente uniti, risolvere il mistero dei 14 animali scomparsi che tutta la città sta cercando e sventare i piani di chi vuole impossessarsi del potere locale, secondo l'atavico principio divide et impera.

Part of Zootopia Collection

  • Zootopia owned

    • Release Date:
    • Rating: 77% · 16,502

    Determined to prove herself, Officer Judy Hopps, the first bunny on Zootopia's police force, jumps at the chance to crack her first case - even if it means partnering with scam-artist fox Nick Wilde to solve the mystery.

  • Zootopia 2 not owned

    • Release Date:

    Detectives Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde find themselves on the twisting trail of a mysterious reptile who arrives in Zootopia and turns the mammal metropolis upside down.

Release Date
buddy cop
cartoon animal
cartoon bear
cartoon elephant
cartoon fox
cartoon rabbit
con artist
female protagonist
female villain
missing person
polar bear
racial prejudice
rookie cop
villain arrested
Origin Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Companies
United States of America Walt Disney Animation Studios
United States of America Walt Disney Pictures
Release Dates
France French (Français): Theatrical TP
Italy Theatrical T
Germany Theatrical 0
Canada Theatrical G
United States of America Theatrical PG
Australia Theatrical PG
New Zealand Theatrical PG
Austria Theatrical
United Kingdom Theatrical PG
Germany Physical 0
TMDb 77% · 16,502 (more information on website)
IMDb 80% · 568,940 (more information on website)
Rotten Tomatoes® 98% (more information on website)
metacritic 78% (more information on website)


Nick Wilde (voice)Jason Bateman
Judy Hopps (voice)Ginnifer Goodwin
Chief Bogo (voice)Idris Elba
Assistant Mayor Dawn Bellwether (voice)Jenny Slate
Officer Benjamin Clawhauser (voice)Nate Torrence
Bonnie Hopps (voice)Bonnie Hunt
Stu Hopps (voice)Don Lake
Yax (voice)Tommy Chong
Mayor Leodore Lionheart (voice)J.K. Simmons
Mrs. Otterton (voice)Octavia Spencer
Duke Weaselton (voice)Alan Tudyk
Gazelle (voice)Shakira
Flash (voice)Raymond S. Persi
Young Hopps (voice)Della Saba
Mr. Big (voice)Maurice LaMarche
Gideon Grey (voice)Phil Johnston
Drill Sergeant (voice)Fuschia!
Jerry Jumbeaux Jr. / Jesse / Woolter (voice)John DiMaggio
Dr. Madge Honey Badger (voice)Katie Lowes
Nangi (voice)Gita Reddy
Mr. Manchas (voice)Jesse Corti
Finnick (voice)Tommy Lister Jr.
Frantic Pig (voice)Josh Dallas
Fru Fru (voice)Leah Latham
Doug (voice)Rich Moore
Young Nick (voice)Kath Soucie
Peter Moosebridge (voice)Peter Mansbridge
Bucky Oryx-Antlerson / Travis (voice)Byron Howard
Pronk Oryx-Antlerson (voice)Jared Bush
Officer McHorn (voice)Mark Rhino Smith
Landlady (voice)Josie Trinidad
Mouse Foreman (voice)John Lavelle
Priscilla (voice)Kristen Bell
Additional Voices (voice)Evelyn Wilson Bresee
Additional Voices (voice)Hewitt Bush
Additional Voices (voice)Jill Cordes
Sharla / Gareth / Hippo kid (voice)Madeleine Curry
Additional Voices (voice)Terri Douglas
Angry Mouse (voice)Melissa Goodwin Shepherd
Muzzled Wolf (voice)Zach King
Additional Voices (voice)Dave Kohut
Additional Voices (voice)Jeremy Milton
Scout Bully 2 (voice)Pace Paulsen
Additional Voices (voice)Fabienne Rawley
Additional Voices (voice)Bradford Simonsen
Additional Voices (voice)Claire K. Smith
Jaguar Pretend Actuary / Scout Bully 1 (voice)Jackson Stein
Gary (voice)David A. Thibodeau
Additional Voices (voice)Hannah G. Williams


ArtArt Department CoordinatorDave K. Komorowski
Art DirectionMatthias Lechner
LeadmanJohn Ripa
Marc Smith
Production DesignDavid Goetz
Storyboard DesignerChris Hubbard
Jeremy Spears
CameraDirector of PhotographyNathan Warner
CrewAdditional MusicTomas Costanza
Mix TechnicianSteve Schatz
OtherKatie Amanek
Post Production SupervisorDavid Okey
Post-Production ManagerBrian Estrada
Schedule CoordinatorCarrie Perry
Set Production AssistantJennifer Gandrup
Software EngineerGarret Sakura
Joanna Zeta
Meghan Gillet
Patrick Kelly
Peter Kutz
Ralf Habel
Ricky Arietta
Supervising Technical DirectorSerge Sretschinsky
Supervisor of Production ResourcesHeather Blodget
Systems Administrators & SupportAmindra Jayasinghe
Annamarie Fuchs
Carlos C. Estiandan
Galen Muir
Gisel A. Calvo
Jay D. Hilliard
Jessica Kain
Kevin C. Constantine
Kevin P. Nolte
Kimberly M. Rios
Michael J. Dobson
Michael M. Fukumoto
Rik Bomberger
Steven Seed
Teal Owyang
Thomas Greer
Technical AdvisorDave Bossert
Technical SupervisorAndrew Jennings
Ernest J. Petti
Gregory Smith
Maia Neubig
Navin Pinto
Nicklas Puetz
Osiris Pérez
Temp Music EditorDominick Certo
Tommy Holmes
DirectingCo-DirectorJared Bush
DirectorByron Howard
Rich Moore
LayoutAllen Blaisdell
Blair Bradley
Cory Rocco Florimonte
David Wainstain
Jahkeeli Garnett
Joaquin Baldwin
Juan E. Hernandez
Kendra Vander Vliet
Kevin Lee
Lindsey St. Pierre
Matsune Suzuki
Matt Lee
Michael Guttman
Michael Talarico
Rick Moore
Tamara Alejandra Faralla
Terry Moews
Troy Griffin
Tyler J. Kupferer
Script SupervisorJenny Bettis
EditingAssistant EditorAdam DesCombes
Digital IntermediateEliot Milbourn
Gabriel Stewart
EditorFabienne Rawley
Jeremy Milton
First Assistant EditorJohn Wheeler
LightingLighting ArtistAlexandre Cazals
Angela McBride
Chadwick Orr
Chris Springfield
Cristian Moras
Derek Nelson
Elizabeth Willy
Ellen Poon
Gregory Culp
Heekyung Shin
Iveth Bueno
Jason MacLeod
Jeff Gipson
Jonathan Navarro
Jorge Obregon
Justin Dobies
Ka Yaw Tan
Kaori Doi
Kelly Kin
Kévin Monnier
Logan Gloor
Olun Riley
Rob Engle
Roger Lee
Ryan DeYoung
Sarah M. Sweeney
Stephen Null
Wally Schaab
Yezi Xue
Lighting CoordinatorBlair Bradley
Lighting DirectorBrian Leach
Lighting SupervisorAlex Nijmeh
Amol Sathe
Diana J. Zeng
Gina Warr
Lauren Albers
Mark Siegel
Nathan Curtis
Rigging SupervisorDavid J. Suroviec
ProductionADR Voice CastingTerri Douglas
Associate ProducerBradford Simonsen
Monica Lago-Kaytis
CastingJamie Sparer Roberts
Casting AssistantSarah Raoufpur
Casting AssociateCymbre Walk
Development ManagerElise Aliberti
Felicity Trevino
Oren Peleg
Scott Hummel
Executive In Charge Of Post ProductionBérénice Robinson
Executive ProducerJohn Lasseter
FinanceFrank William Knittel
Linda Y. Matsuoka
Tom Body
ProducerClark Spencer
Production CoordinatorCameron Stephens
David A. Thibodeau
Derek Manzella
Production ManagerJeff Chasin
Production SupervisorAlbert Ramirez
Christopher Kracker
David Okey
Debbie G. Yu
Holly E. Bratton
Kelly Eisert
Kelly Feeg
Leah Latham
Nathan Massmann
Nicholas Russell
Ruth Strother
Stephanie Hachem
Tucker Gilmore
PublicistDiane Howard
SoundADR & DubbingPhil Hadaway
ADR SupervisorDaniel Laurie
First Assistant Sound EditorLynn Sable
FoleyAlyson Dee Moore
John Roesch
Mary Jo Lang
Ronni Brown
Scott Curtis
Foley EditorChristopher Flick
Willard Overstreet
MusicDaveed Diggs
Music EditorEarl Ghaffari
Stephen M. Davis
MusicianAndrew Synowiec
Cameron Patrick
Eric Bradley
Greg Whipple
Jeff Bunnell
Karl Vincent
Mark Gasbarro
Mark LeVang
Monique Donnelly
Norman Ludwin
Royce Reynolds
Vangie Gunn
OrchestratorJeff Kryka
Robert Elhai
Tim Simonec
Original Music ComposerMichael Giacchino
Scoring MixerJoel Iwataki
Sound DesignerAddison Teague
Sound Effects EditorJack Whittaker
Jeremy Bowker
Lee Gilmore
Sound EngineerEdgar Meza
Scott Levine
Steve Morris
Sound Re-Recording MixerDavid E. Fluhr
Gabriel Guy
Sound RecordistChris Chae
Steve Bedaux
Supervising Dialogue EditorJacob Riehle
Supervising Sound EditorAddison Teague
Visual EffectsAnimationAbraham Aguilar
Alberto Abril
Alexander Snow
Allen Ostergar
Amanda Wagner
Andrew Chesworth
Andrew Ford
Andrew Lawson
Anthony DeRosa
Benson Shum
Bert Klein
Bobby Pontillas
Brian D. Scott
Brian Menz
Chadd Ferron
Chris Capel
Christopher Cordingley
Daniel Edwards
Daniel Gonzales
Daniel Martín Peixe
Darrell W. Johnson
Darrin Butters
Dave Hardin
David Lisbe
David Stodolny
Derek Friesenborg
Doug Bennett
Geoff Wheeler
Hyun-min Lee
Isaak Fernandez
Jackie Koehler
Jacob Frey
Jason Figliozzi
Jason Herschaft
Jeff Williams
Jeffrey Engel
Joel Reid
John Wong
Jorge García
Jorge Ruiz
Josh Slice
Justin Sklar
Justin Weber
Kelly McClanahan
Kevin MacLean
Manuel Aparicio
Marat Davletshin
Mario Furmanczyk
Mark Mitchell
Mark Williams
Matthew Meyer
Michael Franceschi
Michael Kiely
Michael Woodside
Mike Klim
Minor Gaytan
Mitja Rabar
Morgan R. Kelly
Nara Youn
Nicolas Prothais
Patrick Danaher
Philip To
Riannon Delanoy
Ryan Hobbiebrunken
Ryan Page
Shaofu Zhang
Shawn Clark
Svetla Radivoeva
Tony Bonilla
Tony Chau
Trent Correy
Valentín Amador
Vitor Vilela
Wayne Unten
Wes Storhoff
Youngjae Choi
Zach Parrish
Animation Department CoordinatorNicholas Ellingsworth
Animation ManagerRenato Dos Anjos
Animation Production AssistantMariel Song
Mary Howie
Sarah Kambara
Animation SupervisorChad Sellers
James E. Hasman
Jennifer Hager
Kira Lehtomaki
Nathan Engelhardt
Robert Christian Huth
Character DesignerCory Loftis
Jin Kim
Character Modelling SupervisorSergi Caballer
Creature Technical DirectorChristopher Evart
Erik Eulen
Esther Trilsch
Hubert Leo
Iker J. de los Mozos
Jason M. Robinson
Jesus Canal
Luis San Juan Pallares
Mary Twohig
Mike Navarro
Mitchell Counsell
Peter Megow
Ricardo Nadu
Scott Peters
Theresa Latzko
William D. Kastak
Digital CompositorsCristian Moras
ModelingChika Saito
Chris Patrick O'Connell
Eric Provan
Florian Perret
Irene Matar
Punn Wiantrakoon
Opening/Ending AnimationMary Meacham
Simulation & Effects ArtistKate Kirby-O'Connell
Stereoscopic CoordinatorKatie Tucker-Fico
Visual DevelopmentAndy Harkness
Armand Serrano
Borja Montoro
Brett M. Albert
James Finn
Jennifer Gandrup
Jim Martin
Justin Cram
Mac George
Manuel Arenas
Nick Orsi
Peter DeSève
Rick Moore
Scott Watanabe
Shiyoon Kim
Visual EffectsClaudia Chung
Visual Effects DesignerJames DeValera Mansfield
Visual Effects SupervisorScott Kersavage
Visual Effects Technical DirectorAbraham Franklin Tseng
Brandon Lee Jarratt
Christopher Otto Gallagher
Dexter Cheng
Gabriela Hernandez
Kimberly W. Keech
Lauralea Otis
Nadim Sinno
Natt Mintrasak
Norman Moses Joseph
Rebecca Vallera-Thompson
Sara Drakeley
Stella Hsin-Huei Cheng
Tony Chai
Vijoy Gaddipati