Movie 'Zootopia'
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Welcome to the urban jungle.
Determined to prove herself, Officer Judy Hopps, the first bunny on Zootopia's police force, jumps at the chance to crack her first case - even if it means partnering with scam-artist fox Nick Wilde to solve the mystery.
- a.k.a. Zootropolis
- a.k.a. Zootopia 3D 3D version
- Zootopia
German (Deutsch)
- a.k.a. Zoomania - Ganz schön ausgefuchst!
Zoomania, eine gigantische Stadt voller Möglichkeiten: Hier leben die unterschiedlichsten Tierarten Seite an Seite, sei es in Sahara-Wolkenkratzern oder Iglu-Appartements. Für jede Vorliebe findet sich der passende Wohnraum. Mitten in den Trubel dieser Großstadt wird die junge Polizistin Judy Hopps versetzt, die hofft, nun endlich einmal einen großen Fall lösen zu dürfen. Aber als kleiner Nager zwischen lauter großgewachsenen Kollegen wird sie nur belächelt und so darf Judy lediglich Parksündern nachjagen. Als ihr Chef sie endlich mit einem spannenden Auftrag betraut, stellt die clevere Häsin schnell fest, dass sie Hilfe braucht, um die mysteriöse Verschwörung aufzudecken, die die Bewohner von Zoomania in Atem hält. Notgedrungen lässt sie sich auf eine Zusammenarbeit mit dem vorlauten Fuchs und Trickbetrüger Nick Wilde ein.
French (Français)
Avec ses quartiers comme la très chic Place du Sahara ou le glacial Toundraville, la métropole Zootopie, où ne vivent que des mammifères, est un melting pot où toutes les espèces cohabitent. Qu’on soit un énorme éléphant ou une minuscule musaraigne, tout le monde y a sa place. Mais quand l’optimiste agent Judy Hopps arrive en ville, elle découvre qu’être le premier lapin dans la police, au milieu d'animaux costauds, n’est pas si simple. Pour faire ses preuves, elle décide de résoudre une enquête, même si pour cela, elle doit faire équipe avec Nick Wilde, un renard beau parleur et roi de l’arnaque. Certaines séquences ou certains motifs lumineux clignotants sont susceptibles d'affecter les téléspectateurs photosensibles.
Italian (Italiano)
Il mondo animale è cambiato: non è più diviso in due fra docili prede e feroci predatori, ma armoniosamente coabitato da entrambi. Judy è una coniglietta dalle grandi ambizioni che sogna di diventare poliziotta, poiché le è stato insegnato che tutto è possibile in questo nuovo mondo. Nick è una volpe che vive di espedienti nella capitale, Zootropolis, dove Judy, dopo un estenuante training in accademia, approda come ausiliaria del traffico. Toccherà a loro, inaspettatamente uniti, risolvere il mistero dei 14 animali scomparsi che tutta la città sta cercando e sventare i piani di chi vuole impossessarsi del potere locale, secondo l'atavico principio divide et impera.
Part of Zootopia Collection
Zootopia owned
- Release Date:
- Rating: 77% · 16,502
Determined to prove herself, Officer Judy Hopps, the first bunny on Zootopia's police force, jumps at the chance to crack her first case - even if it means partnering with scam-artist fox Nick Wilde to solve the mystery.
Zootopia 2 not owned
- Release Date:
Detectives Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde find themselves on the twisting trail of a mysterious reptile who arrives in Zootopia and turns the mammal metropolis upside down.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- allegory
- anthropomorphism
- buddy cop
- bullying
- cartoon
- cartoon animal
- cartoon bear
- cartoon elephant
- cartoon fox
- cartoon rabbit
- con artist
- conspiracy
- discrimination
- fable
- female protagonist
- female villain
- hippopotamus
- injustice
- joyful
- lion
- missing person
- polar bear
- racial prejudice
- reconciliation
- revenge
- rookie cop
- sheep
- stereotype
- urban
- villain
- villain arrested
- Genres
- Adventure
- Animation
- Comedy
- Family
- Languages
- English
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
United States of America
- Production Companies
Walt Disney Animation Studios
Walt Disney Pictures
- Release Dates
French (Français): Theatrical TP
Theatrical T
Theatrical 0
Theatrical G
Theatrical PG
Theatrical PG
Theatrical PG
Theatrical PG
Physical 0
- Ratings
- TMDb 77% · 16,502 (more information on website)
- IMDb 80% · 568,940 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 98% (more information on website)
- metacritic 78% (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Nick Wilde (voice) | Jason Bateman |
Judy Hopps (voice) | Ginnifer Goodwin |
Chief Bogo (voice) | Idris Elba |
Assistant Mayor Dawn Bellwether (voice) | Jenny Slate |
Officer Benjamin Clawhauser (voice) | Nate Torrence |
Bonnie Hopps (voice) | Bonnie Hunt |
Stu Hopps (voice) | Don Lake |
Yax (voice) | Tommy Chong |
Mayor Leodore Lionheart (voice) | J.K. Simmons |
Mrs. Otterton (voice) | Octavia Spencer |
Duke Weaselton (voice) | Alan Tudyk |
Gazelle (voice) | Shakira |
Flash (voice) | Raymond S. Persi |
Young Hopps (voice) | Della Saba |
Mr. Big (voice) | Maurice LaMarche |
Gideon Grey (voice) | Phil Johnston |
Drill Sergeant (voice) | Fuschia! |
Jerry Jumbeaux Jr. / Jesse / Woolter (voice) | John DiMaggio |
Dr. Madge Honey Badger (voice) | Katie Lowes |
Nangi (voice) | Gita Reddy |
Mr. Manchas (voice) | Jesse Corti |
Finnick (voice) | Tommy Lister Jr. |
Frantic Pig (voice) | Josh Dallas |
Fru Fru (voice) | Leah Latham |
Doug (voice) | Rich Moore |
Young Nick (voice) | Kath Soucie |
Peter Moosebridge (voice) | Peter Mansbridge |
Bucky Oryx-Antlerson / Travis (voice) | Byron Howard |
Pronk Oryx-Antlerson (voice) | Jared Bush |
Officer McHorn (voice) | Mark Rhino Smith |
Landlady (voice) | Josie Trinidad |
Mouse Foreman (voice) | John Lavelle |
Priscilla (voice) | Kristen Bell |
Additional Voices (voice) | Evelyn Wilson Bresee |
Additional Voices (voice) | Hewitt Bush |
Additional Voices (voice) | Jill Cordes |
Sharla / Gareth / Hippo kid (voice) | Madeleine Curry |
Additional Voices (voice) | Terri Douglas |
Angry Mouse (voice) | Melissa Goodwin Shepherd |
Muzzled Wolf (voice) | Zach King |
Additional Voices (voice) | Dave Kohut |
Additional Voices (voice) | Jeremy Milton |
Scout Bully 2 (voice) | Pace Paulsen |
Additional Voices (voice) | Fabienne Rawley |
Additional Voices (voice) | Bradford Simonsen |
Additional Voices (voice) | Claire K. Smith |
Jaguar Pretend Actuary / Scout Bully 1 (voice) | Jackson Stein |
Gary (voice) | David A. Thibodeau |
Additional Voices (voice) | Hannah G. Williams |