Movie 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice'
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It's the coolest job ever.
Balthazar Blake is a master sorcerer in modern-day Manhattan trying to defend the city from his arch-nemesis, Maxim Horvath. Balthazar can't do it alone, so he recruits Dave Stutler, a seemingly average guy who demonstrates hidden potential, as his reluctant protégé. The sorcerer gives his unwilling accomplice a crash course in the art and science of magic, and together, these unlikely partners work to stop the forces of darkness.
German (Deutsch)
Moderner Zauber mitten in New York: Balthazar Blake ist ein Meister seines Fachs, doch selbst er kann nicht mehr garantieren, die Stadt vor dem Bösen zu retten. Da stolpert der arglose zehnjährige Dave Stutler in seinen Kuriositätenladen. Balthazar erkennt in dem Jungen das Potential, ein ganz großer Magier zu werden. Doch der erweist sich erst einmal als Chaot und setzt versehentlich Balthazars Erzfeind Horvath aus seinem langjährigen Gefängnis frei. Die Wege von Balthazar und Dave kreuzen sich zehn Jahre später wieder. Dann beginnt Dave, zu einem ungelenken Physikstudent herangewachsen, seine Ausbildung als Zaubergeselle, die er bald dringend nötig hat.
French (Français)
Balthazar Blake est un grand sorcier vivant de nos jours à Manhattan. Il tente de défendre la ville contre son ennemi juré, Maxim Horvath. Balthazar ne pouvant y arriver seul, il engage alors - un peu malgré lui - Dave Stutler, un garçon apparemment ordinaire qui a pourtant un vrai potentiel, pour devenir son apprenti. Le sorcier donne à son apprenti réticent un cours express sur l’art et la science de la magie, et ensemble, ces deux associés improbables vont tenter de stopper les forces des ténèbres. Il faudra à Dave tout son courage, et même davantage, pour survivre à sa formation, sauver la ville et embrasser la fille qu’il aime…
Italian (Italiano)
L'eterna lotta tra Balthazar Blake e Maxim Horvath, stregoni una volta amici e poi rivali a causa (come sempre) di una donna il cui amore li ha divisi, dopo essersi dipanata per secoli tra incantesimi, trappole e prigionie in bambole russe è arrivata al giorno d'oggi a Manhattan, dove Balthazar ha trovato quello che probabilmente è la nuova incarnazione di Merlino. Il grande mago è stato il maestro di entrambi ed è l'unico a poter fermare la strega Morgana, che Horvath mira a liberare dal giogo cui l'ha costretta Balthazar. Certo, la nuova incarnazione di Merlino non è proprio quello che si direbbe un avventuriero, Dave infatti nasconde molto bene (anche a se stesso) i propri poteri e le proprie doti ed è più interessato a vivere una vita normale, magari con una ragazza, che a combattere maghi dal passato. Sarà necessario un lungo percorso di apprendistato presso Balthazar per scoprirsi erede di Merlino.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- aftercreditsstinger
- based on movie
- callback
- castle
- college student
- electric power
- electricity
- falling in love
- good versus evil
- live action remake
- magic
- magic book
- magic ring
- magic trick
- magical creature
- magician
- mission
- mystic
- raising the dead
- reflection
- salem witch
- sorcerer
- sorcerer's apprentice
- sorcery
- statue
- witch
- wizard
- Genres
- Action
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Languages
- English
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
United States of America
- Production Companies
Walt Disney Pictures
Jerry Bruckheimer Films
Saturn Films
Broken Road Productions
Junction Entertainment
- Release Dates
Theatrical PG
Digital 12
Theatrical 12
Theatrical PG
Theatrical 12
Digital 12
Theatrical PG
Theatrical PG
Physical PG DVD, Blu-ray
- Ratings
- TMDb 61% · 4,979 (more information on website)
- IMDb 61% · 172,513 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 40% (more information on website)
- metacritic 46% (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Dave Stutler | Jay Baruchel |
Balthazar Blake | Nicolas Cage |
Maxim Horvath | Alfred Molina |
Becky Barnes | Teresa Palmer |
Drake Stone | Toby Kebbell |
Bennet | Omar Benson Miller |
Veronica Gorloisen | Monica Bellucci |
Young Dave | Jake Cherry |
Morgana le Fay | Alice Krige |
Merlin | James A. Stephens |
Sun-Lok | Gregory Woo |
Chinese Woman | Wai Ching Ho |
Subway Mugger | Jason R. Moore |
Young Dave's Pal | Robert Capron |
Young Becky | Peyton List |
Russian Man | Sándor Técsy |
Russian Woman | Marika Daciuk |
Abigail Williams | Nicole Ehinger |
Ms. Algar | Adriane Lenox |
Andre | Ethan Peck |
NYU Clerk | Manish Dayal |
Fry Cook | Oscar A. Colon |
Police Captain | Joe Lisi |
Auto Impound Clerk | Victor Cruz |
Woman on the Street | Melissa Gallagher |
Bennet's Girlfriend | Parisa Fitz-Henley |
Student in Bathroom | Brandon Gill |
Chinese Dragon Carrier | Henry Yuk |
Mean Kid | Jordan Johnston |
African Boy | Izuchukwu Mozie |
Indian Boy | Amit Soni |
Hot Girl | Maha Chehlaoui |
Student #1 | Adria Baratta |
Student #2 | Rosie Moss |
Physics Student | Ian Alda |
Narrator (voice) | Ian McShane |
Police Officer | William Devlin |
NYC Pedestrian (uncredited) | Billy Anastasiou |